Only the ones carrying and using weapons on people who get in their way, Rebrun Charlatan.
Well, part of the problem in all this, is simply the way the Left is framing their narrative.
Those shot were "protesters", instead of "Attackers"
(Because if you call Kyle's attackers "attackers", the whole idea of defending your person (or life) suddenly snaps into crystal clear focus.)
Racism, yadda, yadda, yadda...
(even though none of those shot or deceased attackers were anything other than "White", he's white, so if he shot them, he's a "racist"--which just goes to show how meaningless that dog whistle has become.)
White supremacy, yadda, yadda, yadda... More of the same, as above. He wasn't being "supreme" to anyone, in a racial context, he was fighting to keep from being profoundly injured or killed. More leftist dog whistling.
What these people don't get, especially after a year of being pretty much immune to prosecution in some jurisdictions for their escapades of looting, burning, and general violence (AKA: "mostly peaceful protesting), is that their actions just might have consequences. Life in Leftist fantasy world doesn't allow for the victims of those doing looting, burning and attacking to suffer consequences of their actions. After all Leftism takes a heavy dose of denial of reality to buy into, and most playing that game have doubled down in an intellectual sense so long and hard that they have achieved some sort of mental dimension shift, especially in the no-dissent-allowed echo-chambers they have defined as reality.
Then along comes someone like Kyle, or the Sgt. Perry case in Austin (still unresolved, ), and makes the point that you can't just go pointing guns at people or attacking them in the real world without expecting them to defend themselves.
Out in the Middle Class Blue Collar world, these "protesters" aren't dealing with a bunch of latte drinking college soybois who are confused about their gender and sweating their pronouns, they are confronting people who have few illusions and will fight back.
So, I imagine, in the urbane and erudite elitist bubble the MSM people have traveled in, the sudden dispersal of that insulating film of misconceptions they have lived within comes as quite a shock.
No wonder they rail as the bubble they have blown shreds from the pinpricks of reality.
Those of us out here in America just call it "reality".