Author Topic: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws  (Read 2088 times)

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Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« on: August 10, 2019, 01:43:30 am »
One News Now by Chad Groening August 8, 2019

Congress is seeking a bipartisan path to address back-to-back mass shootings but a former prosecutor says that idea would trample on numerous constitutional rights in a secretive court hearing.

President Donald Trump, meanwhile, is causing a stir among his base after stating he is open to more restrictions of background checks.

Describing the current red flag laws, attorney Abraham Hamilton III told American Family Radio that the stated intention is to keep people safe from people who pose a public danger.

But there are serious constitutional problems, he said, when “Joe” is being discussed in a courtroom without legal representation, and a ruling against him violates his right to own a firearm, the right to due process, and his protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, among others.

“Some [states]would take the guns and never return them. No financial compensation or anything like that,” Hamilton, a former prosecutor, warned. “So you are literally traipsing the 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, 6th Amendment, 8th Amendment."


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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2019, 09:15:09 am »
But the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island released an analysis warning that the proposed legislation could harm certain individuals. “We are deeply concerned about its breadth, its impact on civil liberties, and the precedent it sets for the use of coercive measures against individuals not because they are alleged to have committed any crime, but because somebody believes they might, someday, commit one,” the group wrote in response.

The state’s ACLU listed several concerns regarding the proposed legislation. Among them were giving police broad authority to search the property of an individual subjected to an order, coerced mental health evaluations, and the standard for issuing an order being so broad that it could be used against people using “overblown” rhetoric on social media or against alleged gang members when law enforcement wants to seize legally-owned weapons.

How good can these laws be when Mother Jones and the ACLU are expressing concerns, in defense of 2A, of all things?
« Last Edit: August 10, 2019, 09:17:36 am by edpc »
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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2019, 10:15:58 am »
How good can these laws be when Mother Jones and the ACLU are expressing concerns, in defense of 2A, of all things?

It is the mind police angle that is so abhorrent to me.

If a guy is a nutcase, then process the guy as a nutcase (according to the state) - A 72 hr hold or whatnot.

If the guy is a criminal, then process him as a criminal with full due process.

This Minority Report bullshit just naturally has to stop.

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2019, 02:44:49 pm »
One News Now by Chad Groening August 8, 2019

Congress is seeking a bipartisan path to address back-to-back mass shootings but a former prosecutor says that idea would trample on numerous constitutional rights in a secretive court hearing.

President Donald Trump, meanwhile, is causing a stir among his base after stating he is open to more restrictions of background checks.

Describing the current red flag laws, attorney Abraham Hamilton III told American Family Radio that the stated intention is to keep people safe from people who pose a public danger.

But there are serious constitutional problems, he said, when “Joe” is being discussed in a courtroom without legal representation, and a ruling against him violates his right to own a firearm, the right to due process, and his protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, among others.

“Some [states]would take the guns and never return them. No financial compensation or anything like that,” Hamilton, a former prosecutor, warned. “So you are literally traipsing the 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, 6th Amendment, 8th Amendment."


Hello. Is anyone paying attention???  To those who don't have a problem with red flag laws or "extensive" background checks -- think again.

Also  -- Trump is seemingly ok with this and ok with handing over more authority to the gov't to dismantle the Constitution; all because the leftists have incited fear.
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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2019, 03:17:21 pm »
Hello. Is anyone paying attention???  To those who don't have a problem with red flag laws or "extensive" background checks -- think again.

Also  -- Trump is seemingly ok with this and ok with handing over more authority to the gov't to dismantle the Constitution; all because the leftists have incited fear.

All because Trump is once again revealing himself to be the liberal he always was, not the "conservative" he's been touted to be.

Bit by bit, the veneer is crumbling, but Trump supporters refuse to see it.  When Trump joins in the eradication of their 2nd Amendment rights, are they going to finally realize they have been bamboozled?  Or are they going to once again accept whatever excuse he gives for his actions?

Offline EdJames

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2019, 03:26:56 pm »
Hello. Is anyone paying attention???  To those who don't have a problem with red flag laws or "extensive" background checks -- think again.

Also  -- Trump is seemingly ok with this and ok with handing over more authority to the gov't to dismantle the Constitution; all because the leftists have incited fear.

It seems that some don’t really care....  because they perceive that Trump is supporting these abominations, they are supportive.....  if Trump was against them, they would be too....


Offline Axeslinger

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2019, 03:29:06 pm »
All because Trump is once again revealing himself to be the liberal he always was, not the "conservative" he's been touted to be.

Bit by bit, the veneer is crumbling, but Trump supporters refuse to see it.  When Trump joins in the eradication of their 2nd Amendment rights, are they going to finally realize they have been bamboozled?  Or are they going to once again accept whatever excuse he gives for his actions?

I’ve already seen that our resident Sycophant-in-Chief here at TBR has already indicated that she’s got no problem with it.

Because it’s all about the cult...principles be damned.
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Bill Cipher

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2019, 03:57:10 pm »
Sounds like Trumps going to be the president who signs off on repeal of the Second Amendment.

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2019, 04:05:57 pm »
Sounds like Trumps going to be the president who signs off on repeal of the Second Amendment.

We’re not even close to repealing an amendment. You need 38 states to sign off.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Applewood

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2019, 04:25:41 pm »

We’re not even close to repealing an amendment. You need 38 states to sign off.

Maybe not "repeal" exactly.  But bit by bit Republicans and Democrats in DC can chip away at it through legislation. 

And while they're at it, they can also chip away at due process too. 

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2019, 04:39:17 pm »
Maybe not "repeal" exactly.  But bit by bit Republicans and Democrats in DC can chip away at it through legislation. 

And while they're at it, they can also chip away at due process too.

It would not be terribly shocking, if he signed off on a 'military style' weapons and high capacity magazine ban, after the 2020 election. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it happened before that, but it would be politically stupid.
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Offline austingirl

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2019, 04:47:36 pm »
I listened to him answering questions from the press. He stated support for 2A and nothing about a semi-auto rifle ban. He repeatedly said mental illness was the problem. We'll see what happens when Congress returns. Will the RINOs cave?
Principles matter. Words matter.

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2019, 05:02:00 pm »
I listened to him answering questions from the press. He stated support for 2A and nothing about a semi-auto rifle ban. He repeatedly said mental illness was the problem. We'll see what happens when Congress returns. Will the RINOs cave?

What he is said is that he is ‘the biggest 2A person’ out there. That’s a load of feces. His first instinct, in the wake of the Stoneman-Douglas shooting, was to side with Feinstein on her proposals, which included reinstatement of the ban. Watch the video of the nationally televised conference. Diane was shaking with glee. That was also his infamous ‘take the guns first, due process second’ moment. He always has to be dragged back to the conservative side of the issue. Plus, his current AG, in 1991, supported the De Concini amendment. That was the ban’s forerunner. Trust him at your peril.

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Bill Cipher

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2019, 05:05:56 pm »

We’re not even close to repealing an amendment. You need 38 states to sign off.

I wouldn’t count on that being an insuperable barrier. 

In fact, once the democrats start making serious noises, you can probably figure that they’ve locked down the necessary states. 

Since conservatives have abandoned the field, and refuse to make any constructive contributions to the issue, it’ll be an inevitability. 

Offline InHeavenThereIsNoBeer

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2019, 05:32:39 pm »

We’re not even close to repealing an amendment. You need 38 states to sign off.

And POTUS has no part in the process.
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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2019, 06:00:30 pm »
Maybe not "repeal" exactly.  But bit by bit Republicans and Democrats in DC can chip away at it through legislation. 

And while they're at it, they can also chip away at due process too.

I am convinced that Trump has played his base very well; no intent of ever repealing Bammycare, no intent of ever building a wall and every intent of handing the leftist whatever they wish.  He was on team "DEM" from the beginning and his purpose was to take out Cruz and to ensure that a conservative president was never seated in the oval office again.
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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2019, 06:20:37 pm »
I am convinced that Trump has played his base very well; no intent of ever repealing Bammycare, no intent of ever building a wall and every intent of handing the leftist whatever they wish.  He was on team "DEM" from the beginning and his purpose was to take out Cruz and to ensure that a conservative president was never seated in the oval office again.

This is true of just about all Republicans in DC.  They are all lefties and as such, they embrace the lefty platform.  Oh, they might tell you they want to repeal Obamacare, they want to stop the invasion of illegals, they want to pay off the national debt, they want meaningful tax reform, yadda-yadda-yadda.  But the fact is Republicans want the same things as the Democrats -- maybe not at the same pace as Democrats -- but sooner or later they will go along to get along. 

The Republican Party as a whole is not conservative and maybe never was.  Like the Democrats, Republicans want votes to keep their sorry backsides in power and they believe that by moving left, they will get those votes.  They will sell their own grandmothers if it would buy a vote or two.  So they will continue to make promises they will never keep to bolster the fallacy that voters have to vote for them in order to save the US from those evil Democrats.  Meanwhile, they are just as evil, lazy and corrupt as the Democrats -- if not more so. 

I really wish voters would understand all this and stop falling for the same Republican lies over and over again. 

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2019, 09:31:44 pm »

What he is said is that he is ‘the biggest 2A person’ out there. That’s a load of feces. His first instinct, in the wake of the Stoneman-Douglas shooting, was to side with Feinstein on her proposals, which included reinstatement of the ban. Watch the video of the nationally televised conference. Diane was shaking with glee. That was also his infamous ‘take the guns first, due process second’ moment. He always has to be dragged back to the conservative side of the issue. Plus, his current AG, in 1991, supported the De Concini amendment. That was the ban’s forerunner. Trust him at your peril.

Who said anything about trusting him?
« Last Edit: August 10, 2019, 09:32:37 pm by austingirl »
Principles matter. Words matter.

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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2019, 09:49:43 pm »
I wouldn’t count on that being an insuperable barrier. 

In fact, once the democrats start making serious noises, you can probably figure that they’ve locked down the necessary states. 

Since conservatives have abandoned the field, and refuse to make any constructive contributions to the issue, it’ll be an inevitability.

You meant "Since Republicans refuse to give an inch," don't you?  They have to cave in order to play?  Looks like rigged rules to me.  Even if you do call me obtuse for the nth time, doesn't make me wrong.
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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2019, 04:06:51 am »

Who said anything about trusting him?

Me. I’m saying don’t.
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Re: Red flags going up as Trump warms to gun laws
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2019, 08:32:54 am »
Sounds like Trumps going to be the president who signs off on repeal of the Second Amendment.

@Bill Cipher

Your normal lying about not being a leftie isn't working,so now you are pretending to be pro-2nd Amendment?
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