The DEVIL is in the details the GOP is not yet telling you... like the GOP plan to eliminate personal exemptions and the extra senior standard deduction.
Trump said the new GOP standard deduction will be $12,000 single / $24,000 couple... that is NOT doubling the current 2017 standard deduction of $6350 single / $12,700 couple or the projected 2018 standard deduction which is $6500 single / $ 13,000 couple
Trump did not say whether or not this arbitrary $12000/$24,000 standard deduction will the adjusted annually for inflation. Maybe it will be like Reagan's 1983 "tax cut" that turned out to be a new tax on Social Security based on a $25,000 income that was NOT set up to be adjusted for inflation and is now a burden to all seniors.
Trump failed to mention the GOP plan to eliminate personal exemptions and extra senior deduction.