Please provide the source your for the GOP plan eliminating those.
What details are available for the GOP's proposed tax plan is almost exactly what
the GOP previously proposed back in 2016 in the GOP "Blueprint - A Better Way"
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3XBs6H0rpTgJ:https://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-Tax-PolicyPaper.pdf%2Bbetter+way+blueprint&hl=en&gbv=1&ct=clnkIn their 2016 plan, the GOP proposed both the extra deduction for over 65 and blind
and personal exemptions be eliminated and rolled into a $12,000 standard deduction for
singles [$24,000 for married.] The GOP tax plan being tweaked today does the same.
The reason the GOP is so eager to eliminate personal exemptions which increase with inflation
and instead use special tax credits that help some people but do NOT increase with inflation...
is because it saves money to use towards reducing business and high income tax rates.
Personal exemptions phase out at higher incomes... so the money that's saved by eliminating
personal exemptions is on the backs of low and middle income Americans.
Do a week Google search using key words "personal exemption"... there are many news
articles about this same issue.