AZCentral says out loud what many of us are thinking.
Lake just won the endorsement of NRSC. This means they'll likely be funding her. And it also means they think she wins the primary.
For better or for worse. She's in.
The article (and we can bypass the lazy comments about the source) points out the 800 lb gorilla in the room.
From the article:
They describe Lake as a GOP 'uniter'
Is this unifier the same Lake whose secret tapes recently led to the downfall of now-ex state GOP Chairman Jeff DeWit, the MAGA-despised party official who was trying to find a way to unify the party?
Is this diplomat the same Lake who has refused to publicly apologize for calling Robson a gold digger, former Gov. Doug Ducey a cartel doormat and former Rep. Matt Salmon a protector of pedophile rapists?
“Short of an engraved apology, I wouldn’t consider helping her with anything,” Salmon told the Washington Post in December. “She employs the politics of personal destruction, and she’ll say anything — the most vile things in the world — to get ahead. And I’m sorry, I just can’t forget that."
Is this the same Lake who just a month ago offered the mother lode of conspiracy theories, revealing that “they” unleashed COVID-19 in order to stop Donald Trump from getting reelected?
She sounds like someone else who is running for office.
Only it's closer to home.
And she's going to need those moderates.
Can anyone say Senator Gallego (and not throw up) ?