That's right. Out here in the west a handshake is worth way more than a contract.
A man, any man, is only as good as his word. And any man that tries to keep his word knows how very hard it is to do. And in that it is the ultimate measure of the man... To the point that out here, where your word is still often a matter of life and death, it is the only measurement that counts.
Since the thread has already been hijacked...
Was thinking hard...trying to empathize or somewhat imagine the experience of the personalities of the typical Pioneer Settler who owned nothing but the wagon, its contents and the animal(s) pulling it.
They never experienced an Industrial Revolution, the railroads were merely a gleam in some dreamer's eye.
They never experience indoor plumbing, their lives were similar to "Alaska Survivor" sans the typical winters.
Without a doubt they would survive an EMP attack. Average American today...not so much.
Tangent finished here...sorry!