Well, we could have been doing the same damn thing at the same time. We could have, at the very least, been effectively and seriously fighting them all that time.
Here's another difference between "us" and "them." At the risk of painting with a too-broad brush, activists on the left tend to live for and through their political issues. There is no separation for them between politics and real life. Conservatives tend to be people for whom politics is secondary to going to work, being with family, and all those other normal things.
The reason why the left wins, is because they go to all the meetings, get appointed to the committees, set the meeting agendas, and so on. Normal people may show up for the meetings, but they almost never control them.
And, finally, because it's their life, activists on the left never rest after a defeat; they just keep plugging away; whereas normal people treat any victory as final and move on to the next issue. And defeat usually stays that way, for the same reason.