Author Topic: James Comer claims to have unearthed new Biden bank accounts, issues subpoena  (Read 500 times)

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 James Comer claims to have unearthed new Biden bank accounts, issues subpoena
By Social Links for Ryan King
Published May 16, 2024, 1:10 p.m. ET

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer alleged Thursday that his panel had uncovered new financial accounts related to his investigation of the Biden family and announced a fresh subpoena against an unnamed bank.

“This morning I issued a subpoena for targeted financial information from a certain financial institution related to [first brother] Jim Biden, [his wife] Sarah Biden, and [first son] Hunter Biden,” Comer (R-Ky.) announced on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria.”

Comer, who is leading the eight-month-old impeachment inquiry into President Biden, explained that the subpoena stemmed from material turned over by Hunter’s former longtime business partner Devon Archer.

“We believe we found new accounts, and remember, the number of bank accounts that we’ve discovered over the past year and a half … is unbelievable,” Comer told Bartiromo.

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Jeff Carlson
Devin Archer turned over "3.7 million documents never before been seen by any of the IRS investigators, the securities & exchange investigators."

These documents will "answer pretty much every question we've had about the source of these shady transactions" and Biden's role.

"We believe we've found new accounts"

"The evidence is overwhelming that Joe Biden was involved... Joe Biden was a central figure."

"If you were paying the Biden Family for the Biden Brand you were buying Joe Biden."
FoiaFan🇮🇱 reposted
Jeff Carlson
Devin Archer turned over "3.7 million documents never before been seen by any of the IRS investigators, the securities & exchange investigators."

These documents will "answer pretty much every question we've had about the source of these shady transactions" and Biden's role.

"We believe we've found new accounts"

"The evidence is overwhelming that Joe Biden was involved... Joe Biden was a central figure."

5:07 PM · May 16, 2024
New bank accounts of the Biden family have been found which were used for receiving money being laundered from China, Romania, & Russia while Biden was VP, with over $240K in checks being directly wired to Biden with no explanation.

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 :bkmk:  Nothing is going to happen to the Biden's -- too much corruption and following that money trail will reveal not only his involvement but the involvement of his cronies. The DEMS have too much power and the DOJ is far too corrupt.

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