Author Topic: Iceland’s Recent Volcanic Eruption Shows Reawakened Long-Dormant Fault Line  (Read 303 times)

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Legal Insurrectionby Leslie Eastman Friday, January 19, 2024

Japan’s coastline shifted more than 800 feet after the devastating Jan 1. earthquake.

I have a couple of updates to some Earth-shattering stories I covered recently.

The volcano that erupted in Iceland at the end of last year is active again, destroying homes in the nearby fishing town.

    Iceland’s president said the country is battling “tremendous forces of nature” after molten lava from a volcano in the island’s southwest consumed several houses in the evacuated town of Grindavik.

    …President Gudni Th. Johannesson said in a televised address late Sunday that “a daunting period of upheaval has begun on the Reykjanes Peninsula” where a long-dormant volcanic system has awakened.

    A volcano on the peninsula erupted for the second time in less than a month on Sunday, with orange lava bursting through two fissures near the fishing town of Grindavik. Authorities had ordered residents to leave hours earlier as a swarm of small earthquakes indicated an imminent eruption.

All indications point to a long-dormant fault line under the country waking up and will likely release lava with little warning for years to come.

    The island straddles the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a crack in the ocean floor separating the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates.

    Sunday’s eruption was the fifth in fewer than three years on the Reykjanes peninsula, which had not previously seen one in centuries.

    “After eight centuries of a relative break and a complete cessation of surface activity, we have entered a new episode of plate separation which could last several years—possibly decades,” volcanologist Patrick Allard from France’s Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris told AFP.

There is also an update on the situation in Japan, which is recovering from the devastating earthquake swarm on New Year’s Day.

Satellite images showed that the coastline of Japan’s Noto Peninsula was moved over 800 feet following a massive earthquake on New Year’s Day.
