Author Topic: Hunter Biden given date for initial court appearance in California on tax charges  (Read 1246 times)

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Of course Hunter will make bail -- does anyone think that Joe's son wouldn't be granted bail??

Hunter Biden given date for initial court appearance in California on tax charges

Hunter Biden will make his initial appearance in a California federal court on nine tax-related charges on Jan. 11, 2024.

Biden will appear before Magistrate Judge Alka Sagar at 1 p.m., according to the Central District of California's court calendar. The court is located in Los Angeles. During an initial court hearing, defendants learn more about their rights and charges against them, according to the Justice Department's website.

A judge then decides whether the defendant will be released or not if they meet the requirements for bail.

"Before the judge makes the decision on whether to grant bail, they must hold a hearing to learn facts about the defendant including how long the defendant has lived in the area, if they have family nearby, prior criminal record, and if they have threatened any witnesses in the case. The judge also considers the defendant’s potential danger to the community," the DOJ states. ..............
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