Author Topic: Virginia's largest school district to defy the governor's guidance on bathrooms, pronouns  (Read 2173 times)

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Virginia's largest school district to defy the governor's guidance on bathrooms, pronouns
Virginia's policies require students to use a bathroom and play a sport that corresponds with their sex assigned at birth
Joshua Q. Nelson By Joshua Q. Nelson Fox News
Published August 16, 2023 3:14pm EDT

In Northern Virginia, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Superintendent Michelle Reid on Tuesday announced that the district will defy Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new guidance on bathrooms and pronouns.

Reid stated that after conducting a "legal review," the district’s policies are consistent with the state’s anti-discrimination laws, which justifies its actions.

"We have concluded our detailed legal review and determined that our current Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) policies are consistent with federal and state anti-discrimination laws as required by the new model policies," Reid said in a statement that an FCPS spokesperson sent to Fox News Digital.

In September 2022, the Virginia Department of Education updated its 2021 Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools, noting that the guidelines under the previous administration "disregarded the rights of parents and ignored other legal and constitutional principles that significantly impact how schools educate students, including transgender students."

The new policies also stated that the previous guidelines "promoted a specific viewpoint aimed at achieving cultural and social transformation in schools."

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Offline Kamaji

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Fairfax County has fallen so far down the rabbit hole since I attended in the 1980s.  What a shame.

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