Author Topic: Florida one step closer to giving DeSantis chance to make US a constitutional carry majority  (Read 1353 times)

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Florida one step closer to giving DeSantis chance to make US a constitutional carry majority

The Florida House of Representatives has passed a bill eliminating the requirement for an individual to obtain a permit in order to carry a concealed firearm in the state.

The bill, referred to by supporters as a constitutional carry law, passed the Republican-controlled House with 76 yes votes and 32 no votes on Friday afternoon, Click Orlando reported.

House Bill 543 would allow lawful gun owners in the state to carry without asking the government for a permit and without paying a fee. Those who wish to still obtain a permit can do so if the bill becomes law. The bill would also not change who can and cannot carry a firearm..............

.................The bill will now head to the Senate where it is expected to pass and then be sent to the desk of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis has previously signaled his support of a constitutional carry bill if it lands on his desk. His office hasn't yet publicly commented on the bill.
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