Author Topic: Syrian Kurdish commander slams US response to Turkish attacks as US diplomats evacuated from Syria  (Read 109 times)

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Online Timber Rattler

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The United States’ chief partner in the fight against the Islamic State in Syria said he has credible intelligence that Turkey is preparing a ground invasion of Kurdish-controlled northeast Syria in keeping with Ankara’s threats.

Mazlum Kobane, also known as Mazlum Abdi, the commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces, told a news conference via Zoom that Turkey was gathering forces around the Kurdish-controlled towns of Manbij and Kobani and that Turkish-backed Sunni opposition fighters were building up between Manbij and Tell Rifaat. Speaking through a translator, Kobane vowed that his forces were “ready to repel the attacks and to defend our lands.”

Kobane rued the lack of Western pushback from the United States and Russia, noting that Turkey’s threats were “far louder” than the condemnatory statements “made by our allies.”

He said “stronger statements are needed” to deter a Turkish incursion that would undo years of joint efforts with the US-led coalition to stamp out IS for good. “In parallel with Turkish air and artillery attacks we have seen an uptick in activation of IS cells,” he added.

Yet the SDF has had to pause operations against IS to prepare for a Turkish offensive that could take place within a week if “if they don’t see a strong reaction from Russia or the United States,” Kobane said. He looked atypically dispirited and pale.

Turkish presidential spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin said Tuesday that Turkey wouldn’t divulge a date for its ground assault. “It could be tomorrow, next week or anytime,” he said. “Operations can be done in different ways. These operations can be done at any time. As it has been done before, it will continue to be done in the future.”

Turkey has been attacking the Kurdish-controlled zone for more than 10 days with artillery and F-16 fighter jets and drones, killing at least 11 civilians and numerous SDF and Syrian regime troops. On Nov. 22 a Turkish drone struck the perimeter of a joint US/SDF base in Hasakah, where Kobane works cheek to jowl with US special forces, diplomats and aid officials deployed in the region.

Al-Monitor has learned that all US civilian staff, including diplomats, have been evacuated to Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, as Turkey continues to target SDF assets as well as critical civilian infrastructure, notably oil installations, power plants and grain silos. Medical facilities have also been hit.

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