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Online pookie18

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Today's Toons 3/28/11
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:28:34 am »



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In Case You Missed It Dept.:

During his visit to Rio, President Obama took time out to play some soccer with local children. Guess none of them wanted to play golf.

Newsweek gave 1,000 Americans the U.S. Citizenship Test - 38 percent failed. The REALLY scary part? Guess how many of them are eligible to vote?

Michael Moore has been out saying that a President who starts a war like Obama did doesn't deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. But I guess he's still ok with a guy who makes stuff up getting a Best Documentary Oscar.

During a speech on the Senate floor, Harry Reid praised NPR for running "a good piece" on dogsled racing. Probably liked it because it gave him an idea for something new to tax.

It's being reported that Turkey discovered illegal weapons during an inspection of an Iranian plane bound for Syria. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Probably just spare parts from those peaceful nuclear power plants Iran's building.

‎13 illegal aliens dressed as Marines were arrested in California last week. I'll bet liberals must be REALLY confused on whether to support them or denounce them.

The White House now says that installing a "democratic system" is the goal in Libya. Uh huh... Ya know, Saddam had a democracy, too. Even got 100% of the vote in his last election.

During a speech in Chile, Michelle Obama talked about how people in that country were living the "American Dream". That's nice. Now how about letting us live the American Dream in America?

The Bolivian President and a Russian political leader have launched a campaign to strip Obama of his Nobel Peace Prize. Here's a better idea: push for that Chinese prisoner being allowed to pick his up.

The Congressional Budget Office this week released a report that said taxing people based on how many miles they drive is a possible option. A new tax? Really? Listen CBO... CB NO.

Starting in April, the Federal Reserve will start holding quarterly, televised news conferences. Come on. If we wanted boring, federally-funded television, we be supporting PBS.

A new study shows the US ranks in the lowest fifth of developed global economies in terms of financial stability. That's just not a fair assessment. How can you get more stable than rock bottom?

  -- Fred Thompson

President Obama flew to Rio Friday for his Latin American tour of Brazil, Chile and El Salvador. It's re-election time. It's not enough that Barack Obama wins the Mexicans in order to carry California and the Puerto Ricans to carry New York, he needs a majority.

Hillary Clinton returned Friday after a long week in Egypt and Tunisia, shoring up North Africa's new democracies. Next she briefs President Obama. She hopes she can be penciled into his schedule sometime between the Final Four and Masters Week at Augusta.

Hillary Clinton was credited in Washington Sunday for demanding U.S. military action against Moammar Khadaffi in what the press has nicknamed Hillary's War. She's on every magazine cover. Most women who want to make their husbands jealous just have an affair. 

President Obama ordered a safety review of all U.S. nuclear plants Friday as radiation clouds crossed the ocean. He believes in safety first. Barack Obama assured Californians there's no danger of nuclear radiation arriving from Japan, as he boarded a plane for Brazil.

Newsweek ran a story this week showing how difficult it is to pass the U.S. citizenship test. It looks bad. They gave a thousand Americans the U.S. citizenship test and seventy-one percent of Americans couldn't name the vice president, and one of them was Joe Biden.

Sarah Palin was a big hit with people in Israel Monday, where she visited many of the holy sites on foot. She really had no choice. The Israelis have all seen Sarah Palin's Alaska, so they couldn't give her a helicopter tour for fear it could break the peace accords.

President Obama cut short his three-day trip to Latin America Monday to rush home and supervise Libya. He was losing control of the narrative. President Obama would never forgive himself if America won this thing while everyone was calling it Hillary's War.

Moammar Khadaffi gave a saber-rattling TV speech to Libya Tuesday. He is as surprised as any of us. Everyone thought Barack Obama campaigned for president against waging two wars at once as a lover of peace, not as a fitness trainer pushing us to make it to three.

Hillary Clinton alerted ABC News Tuesday that Moammar Khadaffi has been putting out feelers for a way out of Libya. This is where her White House experience comes in handy. No president can put out his feelers without Hillary being right there with the fly-swatter.

President Obama stated the U.S. military was under the command of the international community in Libya Tuesday. His insistence that Khadaffi must go was overruled by the U.N. no-fly rules. By the time this is over, CBS will be offering Moammar Khadaffi his sitcom back.

The World Clown Association is holding its convention in New York City's LaGuardia Plaza Hotel. Strict protocol is observed. One clown must stay outside the convention hall during meetings so in case of a catastrophe there'll be one left to maintain the Libya policy.

President Obama returned home from a trip to South America Wednesday. While in Chile he paid a surprise visit to a grade-school history class. The children explained to the president the dangers of going into war with no clear goal and no clear exit strategy.

President Obama was forced to cut short his visit to Central America Wednesday and hurry home to Washington to tend to pressing matters of state. He sprinted from the helicopter to the White House to get up to speed. He has Libya ousting Khadaffi in his Sweet Sixteen bracket.

White House officials refused Thursday to call the military action in Libya a war, but three times called it a Kinetic Military Exercise. They made it sound like a workout video. It's the first time Jane Fonda ever led a war instead of defecting to the other side.

President Obama denied that the U.S. was at war with Khadaffi, despite the bombing and missile attacks on Khadaffi. He denied the goal is regime change, after he said Khadaffi must go. Barry Bonds just made a videotape congratulating Obama for breaking his grand jury record. 

President Obama surprised his staff on Wednesday by landing his helicopter on the White House lawn and rushing to enter his office. All three outside doors to the office were locked. His entrance strategy is no better than his exit strategy.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a Chicago radio station Wednesday and blasted white Americans for pretending to care about the people of Libya. He said all we care about is their oil. He then drove off in an armored stretch limo, escorted by six Escalades full of bodyguards.

-- Argus Hamilton

A New Jersey school named after President Obama is closing because of low enrollment. That explains the school’s new education plan, “No Child Left . . .”

Everyone is focused on March Madness but there haven’t been any games in a few days. It’s been so boring that President Obama has decided to focus on the situations in Libya and Japan.

President Obama is cutting his trip to Latin America short by a few hours because of the situation in Libya. So to everyone who said Obama didn’t care about Libya, you’re wrong. He cares three hours worth.

A man in Texas used his obituary to ask for donations to anyone running against Obama in 2012. And then his ghost was offered a nightly show on Fox News.

President Obama had to use another door to get into the White House yesterday after he got home and the entrance to the Oval Office was locked. When he couldn’t get in, Obama said “Holy cow, is it 2012 already?” 

-- Jimmy Fallon

President Obama is doing business in Latin America this week. I guess regular America isn’t good enough for him anymore.

President Obama has to cut his trip to Latin America short because of the situation in Libya — and to check on his NCAA brackets.

President Obama returned home from Latin America but the door to the Oval Office was locked when he arrived. Now the U.S. is at war with a door.

-- Jimmy Kimmel

President Obama told Americans not to worry about the radiation from Japan — as he left for South America.

Remember when President Obama said we can’t fight two wars and vowed to change our policy? Well, he did. Now we’re fighting three wars.

Obama said we will send economic aid to Libya to help the Libyan people reach their dreams. And if that works, they’ll try it here.

According to Newsweek, 73 percent of Americans can’t say why we fought the Cold War. This sounds bad until you consider that no one in the White House can tell us why we’re fighting the Libya war.

We know more about President Obama’s basketball picks than his plans for Libya.

We’re fighting three wars now. Imagine how many we’d be fighting if President Obama hadn’t won the Nobel Peace Prize.

For Lent, some people give up meat, and some people give up drinking. President Obama gave up conferring with Congress.

Dennis Kucinich wants to impeach President Obama over Libya. There’s a very good case against impeachment. It’s called "Joe Biden."

-- Leno

A problem for our military in Libya is that they can’t tell the rebels from Gadhafi’s military. The U.N. has now declared that the war be fought as “shirts vs. skins.”

-- Conan

Offline Davidfxs

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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 10:44:20 am »
Morning Pookie, Thanks for the toons, have a great week
Liberals are like Slinkies, Good for nothing really. But they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of Stairs.


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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 10:49:27 am »
yeah pookie!

Online pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 10:50:54 am »
Morning Pookie, Thanks for the toons, have a great week

Mornin', you're welcome, & the same to you, David!

Online pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2011, 10:51:22 am »

Offline illeagle

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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2011, 11:59:07 am »
Thanks Pookie..a 16 degree GW Ohio morning! :coffee:
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 12:01:29 pm by pookie18 »
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

 “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain." Psalm 127:1

Online pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2011, 12:03:00 pm »
Thanks Pookie..a 16 degree GW Ohio morning! :coffee:

My pleasure, Illeagle! ~20 here...

Offline ricebug

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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2011, 08:48:58 pm »
G'day Pookie!!

Raining here all day.

But not ~20.

Online pookie18

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Re: Today's Toons 3/28/11
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2011, 08:52:56 pm »
G'day Pookie!!

Raining here all day.

But not ~20.

G'day, Ricebug! Always better than snow...