Author Topic: SCOTUS Immigration Ruling Will Have ‘Chilling’ Economic Consequences  (Read 545 times)

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Online libertybele

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SCOTUS Immigration Ruling Will Have ‘Chilling’ Economic Consequences

The Supreme Court’s ruling that immigrants cannot challenge administrative decisions in federal court will negatively impact the US labor force, explains Erickson Immigration Group partner Hiba Anver. Without judicial recourse over decisions as important as applications for green cards, skilled workers will seek to settle in other countries, she says.

The Supreme Court on May 16, in a closely watched immigration case, held that federal courts lack jurisdiction to review questions of fact arising from discretionary-relief in immigration proceedings.

In other words, even if an applicant feels that an error was made in denying their application, they have almost no ability to request judicial review.

From a legal standpoint, critics feel that the majority’s argument in Patel v. Garland fails to consider basic principles of statutory construction. From a policy standpoint, critics feel that this restriction on judicial review will have severe consequences for immigrants in removal proceedings.

In light of current labor shortages, however, Patel could also have economic consequences. Whether it’s labor shortages, supply-chain interruptions, or the “Great Resignation,” immigrants are vital to the solution. Unfortunately, immigrants are already traumatized by Trump-era policies and historic backlogs.

Now, as a result of Patel, the perception that one factual error could result in a denial of a green card application with no legal recourse will only deepen that trauma.

If this decision dissuades highly skilled workers from accepting offers of permanent employment in the U.S., and immigration levels drop even further as a result, the current economic situation may worsen. .........
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Online Kamaji

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Yeah, no.  It'll dissuade only those charlatans and cheats who try to get into the country unfairly.

Online Hoodat

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The Supreme Court’s ruling that immigrants cannot challenge administrative decisions in federal court will negatively impact the US labor force  .  .  .

.  .  .  for sweatshop operators and human traffickers.
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