Author Topic: Study: Alien Civilizations Either Self-Destruct or Transcend to 'Homeostatic Awakening,'  (Read 320 times)

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Alien Civilizations Either Self-Destruct or Transcend to 'Homeostatic Awakening,' Argues New Study

And one or the other is likely our fate too.


"We have no material, we have detected no emanations, within the UAP [unidentified aerial phenomena] task force that would suggest it is anything non-terrestrial in origin," testified Scott Bray, deputy director of naval intelligence. Bray made this claim last week during the first congressional hearing on the military's information about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in 50 years. A skimpy June 2021 report to Congress noted that American military pilots had observed more than 140 cases of UAPs since 2004.

In a new article in Proceedings of the Royal Society, astrobiologists Michael Wong (Carnegie Institution for Science) and Stuart Bartlett (California Institute of Technology) offer an explanation for the lack of evidence that UAPs are extraterrestrial exploration vehicles: ETs haven't shown up either because they burn out or transcend to quiescent homeostasis.

The two researchers are addressing the Fermi paradox. "Where are they?" famously asked Italian physicist Enrico Fermi over lunch in the 1950s. By "they," he meant space aliens. Fermi figured that if the galaxy contained space-faring civilizations, it would only take them a few tens of millions of years to populate it. Thus, the lack of close encounters of a third kind is a puzzle.

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