Author Topic: Tucker: Biden's response to the Russia-Ukraine war further proves he hates the middle class  (Read 123 times)

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TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT Published March 8, 2022 11:18pm EST
Tucker: Biden's response to the Russia-Ukraine war further proves he hates the middle class
Tucker Carlson details the consequences of banning Russian oil imports
Tucker Carlson By Tucker Carlson | Fox News

Tucker: American citizens are getting punished
Fox News host reacts to Biden banning Russian oil and natural gas imports on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

You may have noticed that Joe Biden announced today a new front in his ongoing war against America's middle class. Biden didn't frame it that way, of course, Democrats rarely say what they mean. They tell you it's about something else.

In this case, Biden told us it was about Vladimir Putin. Biden explained that we're going to hurt Putin by making it illegal for Americans to buy Russian energy. This, he said, will amount to a massive moral victory for us. We're going to feel great about ourselves. And at the same time, it will be a crushing defeat for the Russians who of course, deserve it. 

So, it's one of those rare occasions when we could see the good guys win and the bad guys lose. Hurray. Around Washington, you could almost hear the feverish applause as Biden finished speaking. Every constituency loved it. The media agreed that Joe Biden had never seemed more presidential. Democratic officials seemed deeply relieved. For once, they could talk about something other than COVID and the southern border. They'd rather be on offense than defense.