Author Topic: Newly released documents indicate Fauci and Daszak covered up COVID-19 origins  (Read 115 times)

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Newly released documents indicate Fauci and Daszak covered up COVID-19 origins

10/05/2021 / By Cassie B.

Back in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, the origins of the virus were hotly debated. The narrative being pushed at the time was that the virus started at a Wuhan wet market and jumped to humans, and anyone who dared to suggest it may have been due to a leak from a prominent coronavirus research lab that just so happened to be located in the same city was treated with disdain – even though there was never any evidence ruling the possibility out.

Now, however, we know a lot more about what did and did not happen back then, and it has recently come to light that Dr. Anthony Fauci played a role in downplaying the lab leak theory through a series of newly released correspondences between the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head and Dr. Peter Daszak.

Daszak was a lead member of the group of scientists who penned a statement to the medical journal The Lancet in March 2020 saying they “strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”


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EXPOSED: China stockpiled PCR tests many months before first covid case emerged

10/05/2021 / By Ethan Huff

It has come out that China’s Hubei Province ordered large quantities of PCR tests in early 2019, many months before the first “case” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) even emerged.

A report by the Australia-based company Internet 2.0 explains that roughly 67.4 million yuan (roughly $10.5 million) was spent on PCR tests in Hubei in 2019 – this is nearly double the amount that was ordered in 2018, nearly two years before the Chinese Virus appeared.

Four former officials from U.S. intelligence agencies in the United States, the United Kingdom and several other countries looked at data collected from a website that aggregates information on Chinese public procurement bids. What they found is that the official story does not hold any weight.

The Chinese Virus did not just randomly appear in bat meat at a wet market, their report suggests. PCR tests were also being ordered long before anyone even knew what a novel coronavirus was.