Author Topic: India Chooses Economic Growth over Western Virtue Signaling  (Read 108 times)

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India Chooses Economic Growth over Western Virtue Signaling
« on: October 03, 2021, 02:05:41 pm »
India Chooses Economic Growth over Western Virtue Signaling
Heartland Author
October 1, 2021
By Vijay Jayaraj

India, the world’s third largest emitter of carbon dioxide, has accused Western countries of creating a global emissions goal of “Net-Zero by 2050” to divert attention from their own failures to meet current emission objectives.

The accusation comes at a critical juncture, just before the United Nation’s COP26 climate gathering at Glasgow next month. It suggests that John Kerry’s visit to India last week to persuade the subcontinent to adopt the Net-Zero goal had little effect on India’s apparent lack of enthusiasm for the West’s climate cheerleading.

Mincing few words, India’s Union Power and Renewable Energy Minister Raj Kumar Singh launched an attack on what he appears to consider to be Western hypocrisy: