Exactly. So it is disingenuous to say everyone should take that vaccine before the safety and effectiveness has been fully confirmed via clinical studies. Some might consider it an acceptable risk, while others might consider the risk of contracting covid the more benign option.
Every newly approved med has this ongoing process. "Fully confirmed" is a word game, because in the real world it can take decades for a side effect to be detected, e.g. the DES fiasco, in which the side effect was detected 2 decades later in the children of the women who took DES.
I have no problem at all with people making their own risk-benefit decision. Both risks and benefits should be assessed using, as best as possible, accurate information. Anti-Covid-vaxxer claims are pig manure quality, to be blunt, so obviously bad that even though I'm in no medical/pharmaceutical career field even I can recognize the falsehoods. After the many months' barrage of that pig manure, I have grown to be rather irascible. The wildly self-contradictory messages and messaging from the Biden gooberment aren't really much better, though possibly less odoriferous.
I've both contracted Covid and been vaccinated. Only the former put me in the hospital for nearly 2 weeks. Two of my immediate family have also had Covid and been vaccinated. Neither were hospitalized, but even the member with the milder Covid case had a vaccine reaction much less unpleasant than their relatively mild case of Covid. Of course, vaccine reactions and Covid case severity vary, but the data I've seen indicate that severe Covid cases are on the order of 100 times more common than severe vaccine reactions.
As for the prediction of mass deaths from Covid vaccines, see my signature, which I'll be updating as my walking endeavors progress. I have two more timed 5K events planned, and then in October I'll be doing at least one timed 10K. The planning is based on practical considerations mostly unrelated to my current, improving, capabilities. If the relevant county PTBs allow it to be run, I'm hoping to do a 5K in December that is 668' climb up, and then 668' back down. I would have done all this anyway, but being able to mock the stupid prediction makes the work all the sweeter.