Author Topic: To Advance the Climate Agenda: Never Waste Bad Weather  (Read 107 times)

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To Advance the Climate Agenda: Never Waste Bad Weather
« on: August 13, 2021, 04:25:47 pm »

To Advance the Climate Agenda: Never Waste Bad Weather

My latest at Real Clear Energy. Please support!


Bad weather is wreaking havoc in parts of the world. The cynical climate alarmist community hopes it will help get Joe Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar climate agenda through Congress.

“Amid summer of fire and floods, a moment of truth for climate action,” editorialized the Washington Post. So let’s look at the “summer of fires and floods.”

Yes, it has been very hot in the Pacific Northwest. Is this global warming, as alarmists want you to believe, or just weather?

The temperature reality is that there is no trend from 1911-2020 in very hot (i.e., 99F+) days in the Pacific Northwest. That’s according to Cliff Mass, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Washington and no one’s idea of a “climate denier.”