Author Topic: Fauci's agency spent over $400k on experiments grafting aborted fetal scalps onto mice and rats  (Read 862 times)

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Fauci's agency spent over $400k on experiments grafting aborted fetal scalps onto mice and rats

Scalps continued growing hair after being grafted onto rodents.

By Daniel Payne

Updated: May 6, 2021 - 8:13am

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the federal health agency run for decades by celebrated White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, has spent over $400,000 funding a series of experiments that grafted the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice, studies that were meant to investigate the human skin's propensity for developing infections.

The research, published last fall in the journal Nature, was performed by a dozen scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh. The experiments involved developing rat and mouse "models" using, in part, "full-thickness fetal skin" in order to "provide a platform for studying human skin infections."

The report notes that the "human skin tissues" used in the skin grafting experiments were obtained "from the scalp and dorsum" of "donors," namely aborted fetuses.

"Full-thickness human fetal skin was processed via removal of excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin, then engrafted over the rib cage, where the mouse skin was previously excised," the study states.

Some of the grafted fetal skin, the study notes, matured into "adult-like human skin." Some of the grafts even developed "human skin appendages," including "human hair evident at 12 weeks post-transplantation."

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Online libertybele

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...and here I've been praying for the Lord God Jesus Christ to save this country. Why? So much evil is taking place.

I've been also praying that he stops the evil that continues to prevail.

This is disgusting. Perhaps Fauci is the anti-Christ.
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As long as you murder and use the unwanted for the greater good all is well it seems...

The sickness is pervasive now.

Offline MajorClay

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When will this criminal pay?


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Oh come on! Who hasn't grafted a few aborted fetal scalps to mice?