Author Topic: Gregory Wrightstone: Pennsylvania’s governor sows fear and alarm with climate misinformation  (Read 242 times)

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    News, Views and Debates 2 Dec, 2020

Gregory Wrightstone: Pennsylvania’s governor sows fear and alarm with climate misinformation

Gregory Wrightstone is the incoming Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition who will assume the role on January 1st, 2021. The outgoing Executive Director, Caleb Rossiter testified before the Pennsylvania House Subcommittee on the Environment on RGGI’s net economic and health costs recently. 

The Coalition strongly objects to that description of CO2 given by the EPA and echoed by Governor Wolf, which classifies it as a ‘pollutant’. CO2 is more properly termed a beneficial miracle molecule, capable of providing the world with greater food security by raising plant productivity by up to 1/3 as proven in our White Paper by Craig Idso ‘What Rising CO2 Means for Global Food Security.

By Gregory Wrightstone Dec. 2nd, 2020

Pennsylvania’s Democrat governor, Tom Wolf, sows fear with misinformation about climate change to advance plans to add the Commonwealth to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).