It's no wonder. I ventured out to a few places to day. First the bank ... drive through so no problem there. Next stop ... Dollar General, cashiers were wearing masks, the majority of people had on masks making that trip without worry. Then on to my neighborhood Walmart -- what a flipin' nightmare. The majority of people without masks. Walmart is no longer wiping down their carts -- I had wipes with me, so I wiped down my cart. They were counting people as I entered the store. People for the most part did not follow the 6' apart social distancing guidelines, most wore no masks, and some couldn't even follow the guidelines of which way to go down the aisle. Several times I pointed out to people that they were going the wrong way, they just looked at me with a deer in the headlights look and I told them, that it was ok, I was wearing a mask for their protection. Then I got to the frozen foods department -- apparently the guy behind me was in a big hurry -- unmasked reaching in at the same time I was trying to get my vegs -- I left the area and came back. On next to my local supermarket -- social distancing was somewhat adhered to, but still many without masks and some still didn't seem to be able to follow directional arrows.
Sigh. I got home only to realize through all this that I forgot a few items. That's ok. I'm not venturing out again anytime soon. Walks in the park, that's about it. This area is just asking to explode. I was amazed by the non-compliance with CDC suggested guidelines and the I don't give a crap about my fellow neighbor attitudes.
The city is supposed to take up a vote next week as to whether or not to make masks mandatory. Chance are it's not going to matter. Few are willing to comply anyways.