Author Topic: View All NYPD arrested more people of color for social distancing and other charges, data shows  (Read 595 times)

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Online jmyrlefuller

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May 8, 2020

Demographic data for social distancing enforcement by the NYPD between March 16 and May 5 was published on Friday(.) The statistics showed that 374 summonses were issued for allegations likely to spread disease and to violate emergency measures. Of those who received the summonses, 193 are African American, 111 are Hispanic, 51 are white, 14 are Asian and three are American Indian.
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Offline LegalAmerican

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May 8, 2020

Demographic data for social distancing enforcement by the NYPD between March 16 and May 5 was published on Friday(.) The statistics showed that 374 summonses were issued for allegations likely to spread disease and to violate emergency measures. Of those who received the summonses, 193 are African American, 111 are Hispanic, 51 are white, 14 are Asian and three are American Indian.

And to make more sense, one would need to post % of each race.  About 14% Black, 13% Hispanic, 76% white.
SO..who doing most of the 'law breaking"?   Same as always.  Don't get mad at me!

Online libertybele

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May 8, 2020

Demographic data for social distancing enforcement by the NYPD between March 16 and May 5 was published on Friday(.) The statistics showed that 374 summonses were issued for allegations likely to spread disease and to violate emergency measures. Of those who received the summonses, 193 are African American, 111 are Hispanic, 51 are white, 14 are Asian and three are American Indian.

It is disheartening that people are being arrested for this.  I've been going to several of the different parks in my area since they reopened last week.  Today I went to a couple of the parks and now the police are sitting in their cars making sure that people are complying with social distancing. It is unsettling. Instead of walking through a park and enjoying being outside in the fresh air  and sunshine, we now have to worry about getting arrested for being too close to one another? Absolutely ridiculous.  About 15 - 20 people at most were at each park.  I'm afraid that this continued overreach of 'big brother' is not going to end well.
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Online jmyrlefuller

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And to make more sense, one would need to post % of each race.  About 14% Black, 13% Hispanic, 76% white.
SO..who doing most of the 'law breaking"?   Same as always.  Don't get mad at me!
More importantly, especially in NYC, the demographics getting arrested the most are also the demographics getting sick the most.
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