Author Topic: Texas Minute: August 5, 2019 (Autopsy Reports)  (Read 423 times)

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Texas Minute: August 5, 2019 (Autopsy Reports)
« on: August 05, 2019, 11:50:41 am »
Good morning!

Today's Texas Minute brings together the autopsy reports conducted on the 2019 legislative session’s outcomes – the good, the bad, and the ugly. The series was overseen by Cary Cheshire and Brandon Waltens.

– Michael Quinn Sullivan

    Ending Forced Annexation: In a clear-cut conservative win, lawmakers and grassroots activists working together succeeded in extending property rights protection to all Texans.
    Spending Limits: For years Texas Republicans have campaigned on the popular idea of limiting the growth of government. Yet as the case has been for several sessions running, the measure was passed by the Texas Senate but never even given a hearing in the House.
    Protecting Free Markets: With cities routinely hyper-regulating businesses, Texans expected lawmakers would tackle out-of-control local government. Measures doing so passed out of the Senate, but were killed by the Texas House leadership.
    Stopping A Tax Hike: One man cannot make a difference? No one told State Sen. Paul Bettencourt, whose commitment to real tax relief also ended a rash scheme to raise taxes on 75 percent of Texans.
    Taxpayer-funded Lobbying: A ban on the repugnant practice of local governments using tax dollars to lobby against their own residents interests made it through the Senate but was killed on the House floor.
    Monuments and Memorials: While Senators moved to provide protection to historic monuments and memorials, the effort was stymied in the Texas House.
    2nd Amendment: Despite calls for Texans to enjoy the same gun rights as those in most other states, bills doing so went nowhere.
    Pro-Life: While other states rushed to pass big life-saving legislation this spring, Texas did not. Neither the “abolish abortion” nor the “heartbeat bill” were received a vote in either chamber. Meanwhile, PreNDA – the “Pre-Born Non-Discrimination Act” – passed the Senate but was killed by House leadership. What made it?
    Election Integrity: From mail-in ballot fraud to noncitizens voting to the use of public resources subsidizing campaigns, Texas faces a wide range of issues undermining the integrity of our elections. (Daniel Greer of Direct Action Texas, which focuses on election issues, presented this report.)

Today in History

On August 5, 1861, Abraham Lincoln imposed the first income tax on the American people to pay for the Civil War. It was repealed in 1871. The modern income tax was imposed by a constitutional amendment ratified in 1913.


“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”

– Albert Einstein