Author Topic: Valentina Zharkova on the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum  (Read 1104 times)

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Valentina Zharkova on the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum
« on: July 23, 2019, 02:12:55 am »
The Watchers 7/1/2019

Valentina Zharkova's article confirming the next Grand Solar Minimum titled, 'Oscillations of the baseline of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance on a millennial timescale' has been accepted for publishing in Nature. Her team predicts the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum, similar to Maunder Minimum, which starts in 2020 and will last until 2055. The GSM cycle will again arrive in 2370 – 2415.

With the release of this paper, she clarifies her new findings on the Super Grand Minimum Cycle.

When GWPF released her presentation there was quite a bit of speculation in regards to the "blurred out slides" referencing the Super Grand Minimum cycle. The slides were blurred due to a peer review process and data was under embargo. We now understand the last minimum of a super-grand cycle occurred at the beginning of Maunder minimum.

Her team's calculations match up with the timelines of the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715), Wolf minimum (1300–1350), Oort minimum (1000–1050), Homer minimum (800–900 BC); also the Medieval Warm Period (900–1200), the Roman Warm Period (400–150 BC) and so on with great accuracy.

Currently, in the cycle of Super Grand Minimum cycles, the baseline magnetic field and solar irradiance are increasing to reach its maximum at 2600, after which the baseline magnetic field will be decreasing for another 1000 years. Why is this significant? It clearly shows we warm and cool as a part of these complex natural cycles. Our planet and Sun move in a complex orbital pattern which in turn affects our climate.


Valentina's new paper:

    "Oscillations of the baseline of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance on a millennial timescale" - V. V. Zharkova, S. J. Shepherd, S. I. Zharkov & E. Popova
    - Nature Scientific Reports :


Recently discovered long-term oscillations of the solar background magnetic field associated with double dynamo waves generated in inner and outer layers of the Sun indicate that the solar activity is heading in the next three decades (2019–2055) to a Modern grand minimum similar to Maunder one. On the other hand, a reconstruction of solar total irradiance suggests that since the Maunder minimum there is an increase in the cycle-averaged total solar irradiance (TSI) by a value of about 1–1.5 Wm−2 closely correlated with an increase of the baseline (average) terrestrial temperature. In order to understand these two opposite trends, we calculated the double dynamo summary curve of magnetic field variations backward one hundred thousand years allowing us to confirm strong oscillations of solar activity in regular (11 year) and recently reported grand (350–400 year) solar cycles caused by actions of the double solar dynamo. In addition, oscillations of the baseline (zero-line) of magnetic field with a period of 1950 ± 95 years (a super-grand cycle) are discovered by applying a running averaging filter to suppress large-scale oscillations of 11 year cycles. Latest minimum of the baseline oscillations is found to coincide with the grand solar minimum (the Maunder minimum) occurred before the current super-grand cycle start. Since then the baseline magnitude became slowly increasing towards its maximum at 2600 to be followed by its decrease and minimum at ~3700. These oscillations of the baseline solar magnetic field are found associated with a long-term solar inertial motion about the barycenter of the solar system and closely linked to an increase of solar irradiance and terrestrial temperature in the past two centuries. This trend is anticipated to continue in the next six centuries that can lead to a further natural increase of the terrestrial temperature by more than 2.5 °C by 2600.
