Classic example of what happens when you latch onto the story you want to hear...instead of the story that actually happened. Reporters and social media trolls were in such a hurry with their racist slant on this incident they completely steam rolled the truth. Thankfully there were people there who recorded the entire incident so the whole truth will now be known.
The initial reaction to this 'story' is a mere symptom of the malady that infects our society and our nation now. Formerly called Liberalism, it is, in fact, Leftism. The rush to judgement of any and all things Christian, of all things on the political right, and of all things patriotic (like the National Anthem). Those (here) that rushed to that same judgment should check their motives and their so-called judgment... since it reeks of "leftie thinking" (pardon the oxymoron). If they don't like that reality, they probably should work to change their perceptions and their penchant to rush to the same judgment that the hate-spewing left always rushes to.