Author Topic: Nasa scientist says sunspot slowdown will cause temperatures in the upper atmosphere to plunge  (Read 420 times)

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Nasa scientist says sunspot slowdown will cause temperatures in the upper atmosphere to plunge

author Jasper Hamill

Friday 16 Nov 2018 9:46 am

A Nasa scientist has said a current slowdown in sunspot activity could cause temperatures in the upper layer of our atmosphere to plummet. Other researchers have previously warned that the lack of sunspots could herald the arrival of a uniquely grim ‘mini Ice Age’. But the Nasa scientist went on to say that the trend he sees is overall global warming, not cooling, and insisted this ‘solar minimum’ does not mean the world is going to shiver through a depressingly long winter. ‘We see a cooling trend,’ Martin Mlynczak of Nasa’s Langley Research Center told Space Weather.

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