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Absolutely untrue.It happens with regularity.The Trump base (i.e. faithful) think that everyone who didn't vote for Trump wanted Hillary, thus, is a Marxist.If you were on the other side (i.e. still a Conservative, and not a party no matter what person), then you would have been stung by this ridiculous insult many-a time.
@musiclady different President...different set of rules.
I got an idea. You should call in to Hannit‘s show and tell him to his face he’s lying to his audience about his self professed ideology, and that his vocal support of conservatives in Congress has just been a smoke screen for his real, Fabian socialist leanings. Go ahead, I dare you.
What, is Hannity supposed to be scary or something, lol?We met him once. He’s a short little guy. My husband towered over him. The little weirdo sniffed my hair.
I've always thought he was just a leftover Muppet from the Muppet Show.
LEGO man
You probably should count yourself lucky. It coulda been worse.
To what end? His fawning love affair with Mitt Romney is all the evidence necessary to prove his socialist leanings and disprove any conservatism he might conveniently declare. A mere Republican.
Be careful, Lil' Sean will go all MMA on your ass.
I'm learning things I really didn't want to know about Hannity.
Well, his privileged talks with Cohen were almost exclusively about real estate. Wonder what the stuff outside 'almost' was about.
Not defending this azzhole but you can tell a lot about a Women just by the smell of her hair (like what shampoo she uses for starters).
Not defending this azzhole but you can tell a lot about a Women just by the smell of her hair (like what shampoo she uses for starters) /JS @CatherineofAragon
Was he on his tippy toes? What do you mean by short? 5-6 short? I can't handle Hannity's haircut. Hair is plastered down and the part is too perfect-looks like a trench. Would look better if he brushed his hair rather than combed it and with no hair stuff. @CatherineofAragon
@mirraflake I'm 5'5". I'd say he's around 5'9". My husband is 6'2".Google says Hannity is 6 feet tall. There's no damn way.
6 feet is to the top of the plastic nub that holds his hair on.
He sniffed your hair? For real? OMG!! That's weird.