Author Topic: Tonsil and adenoid removal associated with respiratory, allergic and infectious disease  (Read 430 times)

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Tonsil and adenoid removal associated with respiratory, allergic and infectious disease

    June 7, 2018
    University of Melbourne
    Removing tonsils and adenoids in childhood increases the long-term risk of respiratory, allergic and infectious diseases, according to researchers who have examined -- for the first time -- the long-term effects of the operations.


Offline Applewood

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Back in my youth, it was almost a tradition -- if you were 5 to 7 years old or so, you had to have your tonsils and maybe adenoids removed.   My parents must have had a 2-for-1 deal -- both my brother and I had ours removed at the same time.  Of course, to sell us on the idea, we were told that after the surgery we would both get ice cream.  And we did.  The surgery left us in pain, but the ice cream made it all better.  LOL

Both of us were plagued with frequent sore throats and I guess the selling point for the surgery was that it would lessen those sore throats.  It worked for me. I get colds and other respiratory infections, but Ii haven't had a sore throat in decades.