Author Topic: Here's A List Of Common Myths That Could Actually Cause You Agonizing Pain  (Read 382 times)

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Here's A List Of Common Myths That Could Actually Cause You Agonizing Pain
By Robin Andrews
10 Feb 2018, 23:11

There’s an old wives’ tale that, should you be suffering from a cold, you should cut an onion in half and put one piece in each sock. Fortunately, thanks to science and medicine, we know that this is categorically daft. You will have incredibly smelly feet if you do this, and you’ll still have phlegm leaking from your nose, as if Shrek met Fargo and was thrown into a woodcutter.

It’s incredibly unlikely that doing this will cause you any significant physical pain or endanger your health. There are, however, a handful of medical myths like this that can prove to be quite dangerous, and potentially very painful – and because we’re lovely, we took a look and found some for you.

Live long and prosper, dear readers. Don’t do any of these.