The last thing we need is to put deadly firearms in the hands of teachers who are put under intense psychological stress daily. One unruly class could be all it takes for that teacher to start threatening kids at gunpoint.
I do not want the teachers' unions being turned into a militia.
Yep. The very first time some teacher goes berserk in the classroom because some kid dissed him or her or becomes a bit unruly and the teacher pulls a gun on them and or shoots them, that will put a stop to armed teachers.
FWIW, when I was in the 9th grade our homeroom and our science teacher, a late middle age black woman who was a miserable and very nasty woman and a lousy teacher to boot and who couldn’t control her classroom. And my 9th grade home room class was made up of “honor students†yes, “nerdsâ€.
But as we sometimes acted up and liked to have fun, we never threated her or anyone else and typically calmed down once the homeroom bell was rung, we were just a bit rebellious and questioning at times.
But one day when a kid questioned her on something she told use during our science class, and not IIRC unreasonably, not an unreasonable question and not intended to be disrespectful, IIRC she told our class that “salt water can’t freeze†and one kid in the class raised his hand and challenged that this wasn’t correct, and then she completely lost it and drug him out of his chair and kicked him and grabbed him by the throat and tried to strangle him.
A couple of kids ran to another classroom for help and another teacher who subdued her.
She never came back. We were told she decided to take an “early retirementâ€
Not someone I’d want to see be armed in the classroom.