I assume Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) will NOT be voting in favor of the GOP's $1.5 trillion tax cut for the rich.
You’ve got to come up with a new way to make your argument. Every time taxes are lowered more money comes in to the treasury, more higher paying jobs are created. Kennedy did it, Reagan did it, governors do it all the time. Saddling business with the world’s 4th highest corporate tax rate is counterproductive, it’s a bottle neck that’s keeping an estimated $3 trillion off shore.
High tax rates coupled with higher labor costs are resulting in lower earnings, making it difficult for the US to compete in world markets. And what’s worse is big government wastes what taxes they do force from us. You know, when I went in to business I didn’t know that meant it came with a partner in Washington DC. It’s immoral.
Any move to simplify and lower taxes should be welcomed.