Author Topic: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?  (Read 3894 times)

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Online roamer_1

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Re: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2017, 04:08:07 pm »
I get you about being able to function if SHTF and you can't get the meds.  I try to take less of them to be able to store some. 

I did too... used my last 30 hits over this winter, and I am not going back to it.

I have fibromyalgia, diagnosed by a neurologist years ago.  I take four meds for that and one is the hydrocodone. 

Me too. twin diagnoses... Fibromyalgia and Inflammatory Arthritis.

A couple of months ago, back muscles on my left side seized and the pain was horrible. 

I know all about it.

After that, I looked up the mg amount of hydrocodone in those pills and saw I can take two at one time.  If that happens again, which it will since it had done that before but not as bad as this time, I will take two of those pills at one time and not drink the wine.  Incidentally, when Bob saw I had downed half of the wine bottle, he took it away, afraid the combo of the pill every four hours and that much wine might be too much. 

Hoo boy! That was my magic... if I took a 7.5 and a beer, I was flat sailing. I still hurt, but I didn't care anymore... When it got really rough, that was my 'cure'. That being said, it was only in desperate times. I don't think I've had a cold pack in the last two years. Though I am tending toward beer more now.

I know your pain and something has to give when that happens.  I would like those who make drug "rules" and doctors and druggists to have the pain I had so they will know how important those pills are.

Yeah, I get it. But I have always been a 'sneak one past the goalie' artist... My need for relief outweighed my nature, and left me with a dependency that I just accepted. I don't like that much. That ain't who I am. So now I am actively looking for the workaround. And I'm alright.

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Re: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2017, 04:14:02 pm »
And, yes, the internet is to blame.

That's my excuse.

heh heh heh

In other news, since my cure, I am down to one med. Except for the aspirin or ibuprofen here and there. Now if I could stop smoking and get some exercise maybe I could be off that one, too.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Online roamer_1

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Re: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2017, 04:51:59 pm »

WHAT HERBS?  If it/they help stop pain like I had, tell me what it/they are and I'll buy a truck load to take and store.

That's a bit of a long story. The main pain relief is alcohol. Since I am not on the meds anymore, alcohol is pretty good at relieving pain. But again, that's only in dire circumstance.

You might try weed. Lots of folks in our position swear by it. Not me... All it does is put me to sleep (not that that wouldn't be handy at times).

For me, the biggest thing was realizing that the Fibro is a force multiplier in my case. Let that little sh*t outta his box and there's hell to pay. Maybe for months. Since fibro is activated by stress and lack of sleep, anti-stress and plenty of sleep is medicine to me. The minute my muscles start twitching, I will drop everything and go do something to dump stress. Fishin is great for that. A walk through a nursery, go hang out with the horses... even a fire in the back yard... Whatever it is. And if I am tired, I sleep. Period. Whenever I need to. As long as I need to.

I went kosher. I haven't ate pig in years. food is all fresh, no gmo, no city water (no chlorine, fluoride). fresh home made bread, plenty of home cooking. It;s taken a few years for all that to matter, but it does matter.

I take highly soluble (natural) vitamins and minerals now - With special attention paid to the Vit D/Calcium/Potassium triumvirate. Potassium is a big thing for sleep and anxiety and muscle pain, and without vit d and calcium, it isn't effectively utilized.

I have found I don't process pills very well. Including pain management - fresh Turmeric (with fat and pepper), and willow bark tea (aspirin) are highly effective for me if taken in their natural state. Same with st john's wort, ginseng, ginger, arnica and valerian. Detox often with burdock root and dandelion coffee... All that can be are just worked into my diet.. into my real food... But Willow Bark Tea, Turmeric Milk (turmeric, ginger, pepper, cinnamon in warm milk), and Dandelion root coffee are staples.

BUT, with all that, if I get to hurting, corn shine, Jack Daniels, or beer, and a hot tub will straighten me out pretty good. The big thing is to nip it in the bud, and not let the pain get too far. get it quick so I can sleep, and so angst does not develop - because those are the keys that keep that bastard Fibro shut up.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 04:54:12 pm by roamer_1 »

Offline bigheadfred

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Re: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2017, 05:17:58 pm »
One thing I know is I need to stay well hydrated. When I am a quart or two low I notice a huge difference in joint and muscle pain and soreness, stiffness. Over a gallon up to two of fluids per day. Or thereabouts. Seriously.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

Online roamer_1

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Re: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2017, 05:36:05 pm »
One thing I know is I need to stay well hydrated. When I am a quart or two low I notice a huge difference in joint and muscle pain and soreness, stiffness. Over a gallon up to two of fluids per day. Or thereabouts. Seriously.

I know what you mean. I have always needed a lot of water. I'm a big, big dude, even at my fighting weight, so I am generally twice or better whatever's recommended. I easy do a gallon a day. Maybe just in sweet tea, not including water, coffee, or other teas. I drink sweet tea from a mason jar, and 4 of those a day would hardly get me through an afternoon.

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Re: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2017, 05:57:02 pm »

You said, "The big thing is to nip it in the bud, and not let the pain get too far. get it quick so I can sleep, and so angst does not develop - because those are the keys that keep that bastard Fibro shut up."

Yes, that is the key to stop it - once it starts, it builds on itself astronomically really fast, until it is unbearable.  However, this last time, I couldn't stop it no matter what I did.  I now have a full length warming pad that fits a recliner and the pad has vibration, too.  My back couldn't be touched this last time due to pain, I flat couldn't move, but if that starts again, I will immediately get on that pad with chair reclined and start taking those pills two at a time, four hours between doses. 

Thanks for the herb suggestions, will copy that and look into all of them.

Online roamer_1

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Re: The Death Of Retailing As We Know It?
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2017, 06:23:51 pm »
Yes, that is the key to stop it - once it starts, it builds on itself astronomically really fast, until it is unbearable.  However, this last time, I couldn't stop it no matter what I did.  I now have a full length warming pad that fits a recliner and the pad has vibration, too.  My back couldn't be touched this last time due to pain, I flat couldn't move, but if that starts again, I will immediately get on that pad with chair reclined and start taking those pills two at a time, four hours between doses. 


Happy to help, hope it does... Pay mind to the hot tub too... The only thing that gave me direct instant relief is crawling into a hot  tub. Jacuzzi, I mean. The single most important addition to my house is a hot tub. I already have one bought, waiting on getting my back porch on so I can install it...

It really worked better than anything else, except the getting out, showering off, getting into clothes while still wet (that's the big killer), walking across a forty acre parking lot, getting into an icy cold car, and driving home - that's what made it nonviable as a near cure. By the time all that, I was hurting worse than when I started.

If I can just go out on the porch, sit in the tub with a nice PBR, stumble back into the house, shower and fall into bed... I think that would be the best thing of all. Try it, I think you'll like it. Beats an electric blanket six ways to Sunday. :)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 06:24:19 pm by roamer_1 »