Summary of Part 1 (minus the static, stuff we know, or unsourced claims)--
Hillary Clinton had a long history of communication with a Ms. Silsby who ran a sham charity out of Haiti and Dominican Republic.
Silsby's charity, New Life Children's Refuge Program, claimed helping children, building orphanages, etc.
Charity never applied for permit for orphanages, etc, no actual help documented.
Charity/Missionary gets involved in Haiti after earthquake.
Charity was busted for trafficking children out of Haiti.
Hillary intervenes to get charity head off the hook.
Charity head, Silsby's lawyer was a convicted child sex trafficker.
Some emails they claim discussing pricing of children to be sold, but those can be interpreted many ways including just a fundraising scam on people looking to adopt.
Cheryl Mills and Hillary Clinton assisted in getting Silsby out of Haiti.
Cheryl Mills led charge to fight her extradition back to Haiti.
From there a lot of supporting links or opinion pieces on all the characters and their backgrounds and why they do think it is a pedophile ring.
Also a lot of static, 4chan stuff.