Author Topic: Obama calls for less standardized testing in schools, addressing nationwide concerns  (Read 560 times)

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President Obama on Saturday called for limiting the amount of standardized educational testing to two percent of classroom time, addressing the growing concern across the county about an over emphasis on test taking. 

The president called on a wide range of Americans -- from state officials to parents and teacher -- to help ensure that the country’s school systems haven’t become mired in standardized test taking.

"Learning is about so much more than just filling in the right bubble," Obama said in a video released on Facebook. "So we're going to work with states, school districts, teachers and parents to make sure that we're not obsessing about testing."

Obama and outgoing Education Secretary Arne Duncan plan an Oval Office meeting Monday with teachers and school officials who are working to reduce testing time.

Mandatory testing as an effort to make teachers accountable and to help students improve and keep pace with their foreign counterparts dates back most recently to the Bush administration with “No Child Left Behind,” then the Obama administration’s “Race to the Top.”

Support or opposition to the recent major initiative known as Common Core has essentially become a conservative litmus-test question for Republicans in the 2016 presidential race.

Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton embraced the principles laid out by Obama on Saturday.

"We should be ruthless in looking at tests and eliminating them if they do not actually help us move our kids forward," she said in a statement.

The vast majority of states agreed to the Common Core standards when they were released in 2010, with the backing of the National Governors Association. However, there has since been a growing criticism among Republicans and


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less testing means less evidence of incompetent teaching means more insulation from firing for incompetent teachers, which is essentially just a sop to the teachers' unions.

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less testing means less evidence of incompetent teaching means more insulation from firing for incompetent teachers, which is essentially just a sop to the teachers' unions.
Indeed. I don't know how I would have gotten through high school without standardized testing.

But if there's too much, the federal government has only themselves to blame, because they're the one who encouraged it all along.
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Obama Reverses Course On Standardized Tests

Posted By Blake Neff On 6:21 PM 10/25/2015 In | No Comments

In a surprising announcement Saturday, President Barack Obama sharply shifted his administration’s position on standardized tests, saying testing has gone too far and needs to be rolled back. Not only that, but the Obama administration admitted it deserved much of the blame for excessive testing.

The announcement came via a video Obama released on Facebook Saturday, where he proposes a series of policy changes to make testing less prominent in schools.

Currently, the federal No Child Left Behind law requires states to test children once annually in math and reading from grades 3-8, as well as once in high school. They also need to be tested at least three times in science. In addition to these federal requirements, states have enacted dozens of their own tests to measure achievement in additional grades or to cover subjects such as social studies. The Obama administration says it still supports annual testing, but it believes other forms of testing are overkill and should be rolled back.

“Learning is about so much more than just filling in the right bubble,” Obama said in the video. “So we’re going to work with states, school districts, teachers, and parents to make sure that we’re not obsessing about testing.”

In his video, Obama proposed that schools cap their assessments so that no more than 2 percent of school time each year is spent taking tests (in a typical 180-day school year, this would amount to about three and a half days of testing). He also suggested that Congress could work to “reduce over-testing” as it labors to possibly update No Child Left Behind later this year.

Obama and outgoing Secretary of Education Arne Duncan plan to meet with teaching professionals Monday in order to outline their new plan for cutting down on tests.

Duncan released a statement of his own acknowledging that his department had done its part in driving testing mania.

“It’s important that we’re all honest with ourselves,” Duncan said, according to The New York Times. “At the federal, state and local level, we have all supported policies that have contributed to the problem in implementation. We can and will work with states, districts and educators to help solve it.”

Obama’s concession is a win for left-leaning teachers unions, which have fiercely fought the administration on the issue of testing.

“Today it’s clear: Parents, students and educators, your voice matters and you were heard,” said the American Federation of Teachers, the country’s second-largest teachers union, in a statement.

The president’s new course of action coincides with a new study released by the Council for Great City Schools which finds that the typical 8th-grader spends about 2.3 percent of their time taking tests, and that children take about 112 total standardized tests by the time they graduate.

The recent shift to new standardized tests aligned with Common Core has fueled a significant backlash against tests across the country. In New York, more than 20 percent of children were pulled out of tests by their parents, many of whom were egged on by the state’s teachers unions. (RELATED: One In Five NY Students Skipped Common Core Tests)

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Just another debacle of the federal government running something that should be none of its concern.
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