Author Topic: Hillary Emails Reveal Axelrod Knew About Private Account Despite Past Claims [VIDEO]  (Read 1429 times)

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Hillary Emails Reveal Axelrod Knew About Private Account Despite Past Claims [VIDEO]

Posted By Al Weaver On 11:10 PM 06/30/2015 In | No Comments

Emails released Tuesday by the State Department as part of the Hillary Clinton email dump reveal former White House advisor David Axelrod knew the former secretary of state had a private account despite recent claims.

Emails released Tuesday by the State Department show that former W.H. advisor David Axelrod knew Hillary Clinton had a private account despite recent claims.

According to the latest batch, two email chains show Axelrod did indeed correspond with the then-secretary of state — once in June, 2009 and again in July, 2009.

The emails contradict recent comments by Axelrod to MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, in which he said he would have “asked a few questions” and shared his “concerns” had he known about Clinton’s private email account and server. (RELATED: Axelrod: I’d Have ‘Asked A Few Questions’ If I Knew About Hillary’s Private Server)

Axelrod made the statements in a June 17 appearance after former White House chief of staff Bill Daley told “Meet The Press” that he didn’t know anything about Clinton’s private email during his time in the White House.

“Well, I think it is unusual,” Axelrod said of Daley comments. “He was the chief of staff. I confess, I didn’t — I was there, I was a senior advisor. I didn’t know that as well.” (RELATED: Fmr Obama Chief Of Staff: I Had No Idea Hillary Had A Private Server)

“If you did find out when you were there, would you say ‘hey, woah. Wait a minute, guys, should we all talk about this?’” Brzezinski asked during the segment.

“I might have asked a few questions about that,” Axelrod said. “Look, I don’t think — again, the question is what are people focused on, what do they care about. They care about their lives. They care about being able to meet their bills. They care about how their kids are going to do in the future, and that’s where their focus is, and that’s what the gamble of the Clinton campaign is that people don’t really care about that.”

“I would ask a question. Look, if the St. Louis Cardinals can poach the secrets of the Houston Astros, then it speaks to the age in which we live,” Axelrod said. “So I would have concerns about it.”

In the June 2009 email featuring the subject “SO SORRY!,” Axelrod wished Clinton well with her recovery after she fractured her elbow and had surgery. Meanwhile, it is unclear what the the July 2009 note from Clinton to Axelrod is regarding.

In addition, Clinton’s State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills sent a June 2009 email to Clinton saying in the subject that “axelrod wants your email.”


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Bombshell emails from Hillary's secret account show she didn't know when cabinet meetings were held, was dumbfounded by a fax machine and emailed aides to fetch her iced tea


Email bombshells from Hillary's secret account show she didn't know when cabinet meetings were held, was dumbfounded by a fax machine and emailed aides to fetch her iced tea
•State Department published a massive tranche of Hillary Clinton's emails Tuesday night from her days as secretary of state
•Judge ordered the release in response to a Freedom Of Information Act lawsuit
•Tuesday's revelation covers barely 3,000 of the 55,000 pages that must go online by the end of the year; 9:00 p.m. release suggested State Department tried to bury it
•Funny moments (Clinton can't work a fax machine) vied with imperious messages (telling aides to fetch her iced tea) and confusing references to someone on her calendar named 'Santa'

By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For 

Published: 00:49 EST, 1 July 2015  | Updated: 02:10 EST, 1 July 2015 


Hillary Clinton's emails have been a subject of partisan finger-pointing and hand-wringing since the revelation in April that she had used a private home-brew server to store her messages during the four years she was secretary of state.

On Tuesday the State Department released the first in a series of document-dumps comprising about 3,000 of the 55,000 pages Clinton turned over to State late last year.

They describe the ordinary and the shocking – everything from ordinary meeting recaps to the involvement in the agency of Sidney Blumenthal, Clinton's 2008 election hatchet-man who had officially been exiled from the administration.

They also paint the onetime first lady and New York senator as technologically maladroit – she was all thumbs with an office fax machine – and distant enough from her husband Bill that their aides kept each informed about the other's doings.

She used her email to let aides know she was thirsy. 'Pls call Sarah and ask her if she can get me some iced tea,' one message read.

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And then there's 'Santa' – an unknown person apparently on Clinton's meeting schedule.

'I'm seeing Santa at 8:30,' she wrote her deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin six months after taking office, 'so won't take off until closer to 9:30.'

Despite the collective shock inside the D.C. beltway when news surfaced that Clinton had a secret email account, many of Washington's most influential Democrats were already in on it.

Political operative David Axelrod had her email address almost from the start, but claimed just weeks ago that he was unaware of it.

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and then-White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel wrote to her at the now-infamous ''

So did outgoing Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski, liberal think tank chief John Podesta of the Center for American Progress, and lawyer-lobbyist Lanny Davis – who was later shamed for taking millions from West African strongmen.

Missing, so far, is any evidence of wrongdoing in the Benghazi saga.

Republicans have bet a slice of their election credibility on the premise that Clinton's incompetence opened the door to the 2012 terror attack that killed a U.S. ambassador; and that her Machiavellian scheming was central to a cover-up of the nature of the attack just weeks before Obama stood for re-election.

Even when State Department lawyers have vetted every page, journalists and lawmakers may never know what Clinton deleted from the public record.

She claimed in April that she scrubbed the server of more than 31,000 emails which she deemed 'personal' in nature.

Twitter let out a collective guffaw Tuesday night in the direction of a December 2009 email exchange between Clinton and Abedin – who invested 15 minutes trying to teach her boss how the handset on a fax machine worked.

'Can you hang up the fax line?' Abedin wrote. 'They will call again and try fax.'

'I thought it was supposed to be off [the] hook to work?' Clinton responded.

'Yes,' Abedin wrote, 'but hang up one more time. So they can establish the line.'

'I did,' Clinton replied.

'Just pick up [the] phone and hang it up. And leave it hung up,' Abedin shot back.

'I've done it twice now,' replied a befuddled Hillary.
It was Abedin who emailed Clinton in July 2009 to ask her about her preferred travel arrangements when a private jet wasn't available as planned.

What to do? Wait an extra three hours for a 19-passenger Gulfstream III aircraft, or settle for the six-seat Learjet that's fueled and ready?

'The g3 is delayed till 5pm wheels up,' Abedin wrote her. 'There is a lear available at 2pm with 6 seats. Do u want to just leave at 5?'

In other instances it was chief of staff Cheryl Mills who shed light on Clinton's life.

When former president Bill Clinton agreed to serve as the United Nations Special Envoy to Haiti following a devastating 2009 earthquake, he didn't tell her.

It was Bill's trusted aide Doug Band who told Mills: 'Wjc [Bill] just told SecGen [Ban Ki-moon] that he would do Haiti special envoy,' Band wrote her.

'Wjc said he was going to call hrc [Hillary] but hasn't had time.'

Mills ricocheted the message to her own deputy in two minutes' time.

'You need to walk this to HRC if she is not gone,' Mills wrote aide Nora Toiv. 'I am also going to give WH [the White House] heads up.'


1. Many of Washington's most influential Democrats had Hillary's secret address, including political operatives like David Axelrod, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski and liberal think tank chief John Podesta

2. Bill and Hillary Clinton apparently communicated through surrogates, with one Bill insider telling Hillary's chief of staff to let her know her husband had accepted a role as UN Special Envoy to Haiti

3. The State Department's top diplomatic protocol officer crowed to Hillary that an email contest run by political consultant Paul Begala helped her retire $500,000 of her campaign debt from the 2008 presidential race

4. Hillary's deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin pressed her to make tough decisions, like whether to delay a trip departure for three hours so she could take a larger private jet

5. The State Department was worried that reporters would discover Sidney Blumenthal, a Hillary campaign hatchet-man banned from the agency by President Obama, was still secretly advising her – and Blumenthal managed to spill he beans to an Associated Press reporter without knowing who he was talking to

6. Despite later claiming Blumenthal's frequent email memos were 'unsolicited' and of little value, Hillary later made some of his suggestions part of her foreign policy speeches

7. In June 2009 Hillary learned from a radio broadcast that President Obama was about to hold a cabinet meeting; she emailed her scheduler to ask 'Can I go?'

While nothing in Tuesday night's release validates the GOP's hope for evidence that Hillary is crooked or misused her office, another top State Department official may have violated federal election law.

Chief Protocol Officer Capricia Penavic Marshall emailed Democratic political consultant Paul Begala – and another recipient whose name the State Department redacted – to thank him for helping raise a half-million dollars to pay Clinton's bills from her failed presidential run.

'We raised $500K from the email contest!!,' Marshall wrote. 'You all are amazing - the world adores you! You put a serious hole in hrc debt!'

Federal law forbids government employees from using taxpayer-funded resources, including office computers and other devices, in connection with political fundraising – even if the money collected goes to retire old campaign costs.

'What we learned tonight is troubling,' Republican National Committee chairman Reice Priebus said in a statement Tuesday night.

'Administration officials knew more than previously disclosed, Sidney Blumenthal was involved with more than just providing Libya off-the-books intelligence, and State Department officials were possibly fundraising on government accounts.'

Priebus called the revelations 'just the tip of the iceberg' and joined congressional Republicans in demanding that she hand over to independent investigators the actual computer hardware that once held the messages.

In correspondence with the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Clinton's attorney has insisted that's not going to happen.

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Here are all the released emails, if you want to wade through them:
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About That ‘3 A.M. Phone Call,’ Turns Out Obama and Hillary Had One the Night of Benghazi Attack…
By Katie LaPotin (16 hours ago)
IJ Review

A newly-released email sent between top aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama reveal that the two leaders were engaged in a late-night call on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya.

The Washington Examiner reported:
While the content of whatever Rhodes proposed for release was redacted, it was labeled a “readout of President’s call to Secretary Clinton.”

The email confirms a late-night call between Obama and Clinton did take place the night of the attack.

The new records were so heavily redacted that, because the documents contained email chains that produced duplicates, information was withheld in some emails that was disclosed in identical versions of others.

The email was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch. Its discovery sheds new light on how the White House and the State Department worked together in its media strategy in the days following the attack.

While it had been previously disclosed that Clinton and Obama spoke that night, the documents provide additional details about the timing of the call, which occurred after the initial attack on the consulate, but before the second wave of attacks when mortars hit the nearby CIA annex, killing two former Navy SEALs.

As CBS News reported, a key State Department counter-terrorism task force known as the CSG (Counterterrorism Security Group) was not convened the night of the Benghazi terrorist attack on a diplomatic compound on September 11th, 2012.

CBS also reported in a separate article that the in extremis force dedicated to quick reaction to emergencies was an hour’s flying time away from Benghazi in Italy, but did not arrive on scene until after the 10-hour-long attack was over.

A military and State Department talking point that a rescue operation was “impractical” due to lack of Libyan flyover authority was proven false when it came out that no such request was even made that night.

Other emails, Fox News reported, reveal that Clinton had made a statement that night citing an anti-Islamic Internet video before the attack ended.

Gregory Hicks, the number two diplomat in Libya behind Christopher J. Stevens, said on the Congressional record that no ever mentioned an anti-Islamic video in diplomatic communications in Libya the night of the raid, and he was “stunned” that a video was being blamed for the terror attack.

The State Department, and Clinton in particular, have come under scrutiny for their response to the attack in the hours and days that followed. Several former State Department officials, including Clinton, have been asked to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi later this year.
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Bombshell? Really?

More like much ado about nothing.

Those emails could document satanic rituals, blood drinking, extortion among other things, and they will be ignored by the media, and the public. Thankfully Trey Gowdy will have an unattended press briefing, and promise strong action.


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Emails Show Hillary’s State Department Communicating With Google About Blocked Benghazi Video

Posted By Stephen Gutowski On July 1, 2015 @ 4:00 pm In Politics | No Comments

Emails among State Department officials show the administration was in contact with Google regarding a blocked YouTube video after President Obama conceded that the Benghazi attack was a preplanned act of terror.

On Sept. 27, 2012, Nora Toiv, a special assistant to the counselor of the Department, sent an email to other State Department officials with the subject line “RE: Google and YouTube.” The email referenced a phone conversation with a person named Sue who assured Toiv a block would remain on an unnamed video at least through Oct. 1, 2012. “Sue just called back and the block will stay through Monday,” Toiv said in the email. “They will not/not be unblocking it before then.”

Toiv’s message, sent at 1:35 pm, was in response to an email sent an hour earlier by Denis McDonough, current White House Chief of Staff who was then the Deputy National Security Adviser. McDonough’s email appears to contain the mobile and office phone numbers of Google CEO Larry Page and YouTube CEO Salar Kamangar. The numbers have been redacted in the copies made available to the public.

The email, which was made public in May as part of the State Department’s release of 296 emails related to the Benghazi attacks, was reported on by the Daily Caller and ABC News.

Although the emails do not name the video that is being blocked, much of the controversy following the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, centered on a YouTube video called The Innocence of Muslims. Hillary Clinton and other State Department and White House officials blamed the Benghazi attack on the video but later backed off the claim.

Radical Islamists in several countries did organize protests over the video, among other issues, including a large demonstration at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, that occurred on the same day as the Benghazi attack.

In her first public remarks after the Benghazi attacks, Hillary Clinton addressed the video. “The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others,” she said. “Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation.”

Charles Woods, father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods who was killed in Benghazi, said in an interview with Glenn Beck that Hillary Clinton promised to arrest and prosecute the person responsible for making The Innocence of Muslims at a memorial for his son. That man, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was later arrested and prosecuted in connection to producing the video. The Obama administration bought $70,000 of ads on Pakistani television featuring clips of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton disavowing the video.

In the days after the attacks the White House requested Google remove The Innocence of Muslims under YouTube’s policy against hosting hate speech. Google refused to do so, according to the New York Times. The emails from Toiv and McDonough show the State Department was still in contact with Google well after the White House’s request.

Although Google refused to remove the video from YouTube it did block it for residents of numerous Middle Eastern countries in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. “This video—which is widely available on the Web—is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube,” YouTube told CNN. “However, given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we have temporarily restricted access in both countries.”

It is unclear if or when Google lifted those blocks on viewing in those countries. However, YouTube remains banned by local governments in several countries including Pakistan.

The emails show the State Department was still concerned about the video after the president declared the attacks in Benghazi were preplanned. “It was a preplanned act of terrorism directed against American citizens,” President Obama told the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25, 2012, two days before the email exchange between McDonough and Toiv.

The State Department declined to comment on the content of the video. “I cannot offer further context on that specific email,” Alec Gerlach, a State Department communications adviser, told the Washington Free Beacon. “But if you’re asking about the Innocence of Muslims video, this has been addressed by the Administration.”

Gerlach then directed the Free Beacon to a May 1st, 2014, press conference by then-White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

“What we know is that there was an attack, that there were extremists involved, and four Americans were killed,” Carney said in the briefing. “We have been saying that from the beginning.  Again, if you look at the language provided at the time by the IC to members of Congress and the White House, that’s what Ambassador Rice stuck to.”

“And as I said and others, it was based on what we believed to be true at the time, and they were caveating all the time about the fact more information might become available, more details might become available, and as they did there would be more information to provide.”

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and Google did not respond to requests for comment.

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She should be arrested....not put on a pedestal.

Do they even make orange pantsuits?   :whistle:
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David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog  · 3h3 hours ago 
The Hillary emails really provide a fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Garbage People of Shit Town.

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To those following the email scandal, another historical file for your research:

"Email-Gate" file

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11 Juicy Nuggets From The Latest Batch Of Hillary Clinton Emails
Chuck Ross
July 1, 2015

A bold-faced political hatchet job, a mysterious memo, a bad pun and a predictable dig at Fox News. Those are just some of the enlightening tidbits contained in the 3,000 pages of Hillary Clinton emails released late Tuesday.

The exchanges, which span the period between March 2009 and December 2009, show that Clinton maintained a relatively tight-knit circle of State Department aides who worked to plan schedules, arrange secure phone calls and draft speeches. They also show that Clinton corresponded more frequently than previously known with her longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal.

Here are 11 of the most interesting snippets from the email trove.

At link --->

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