Author Topic: Superman's Dark Past  (Read 506 times)

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Superman's Dark Past
« on: May 24, 2015, 07:35:17 pm »
Charles Moss
The Atlantic
May 24, 2015

Since the official teaser trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice debuted online in April, fans and critics alike have been discussing the kind of Superman Zack Snyder is going to depict in his Man of Steel sequel. The controversy stems from Snyder's decision to cast Superman as a brooding, Dark Knight-like character, who cares more about beating up bad guys than saving people. The casting split has proved divisive among Superman fans: Some love the new incarnation, citing him as an edgier, more realistic version of the character.

But Snyder's is a different Superman than the one fans grew up with, and many have no problem expressing their outrage over it ...

But what many fans don't realize is that Superman hasn't always been the Big, Blue Boy Scout they've come to know and love. In fact, in the very early stages of the character's development, he wasn't a hero at all, but a villain. And even after Superman became an enforcer of good in his earlier years, his brand of justice was as gray, morally speaking, as the color palette Snyder's films embrace. In other words, the newest incarnation of Superman isn't so much a betrayal of the character's origins as it is a perhaps unwitting return to them ...