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Schools now tasked with creating 'green' citizens
« on: May 17, 2015, 03:30:37 pm »
- WND - -

Schools now tasked with creating 'green' citizens

Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 05/16/2015 @ 11:28 pm In Education,Front Page,Politics,U.S. | No Comments

Common Core is not a benign set of federals standards meant to make your children smarter, warns an educator who says it looks more like an indoctrination program to push students toward “green” jobs for a “green economy.”

Alex Newman, coauthor of “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children,” pointed to speeches by Education Secretary Arne Duncan.

“He gave one to UNESCO in 2012, for example, and he bragged that he was using these standards and our government schools to create green citizens to take their place in the green world order with their green jobs,” Newman said in an interview on the One America News Network’s “On Point with Tomi Lahren.”

Newman urged viewers to remember Van Jones, President Obama’s former green jobs czar, an admitted Marxist and 9/11 “truther.” He supported a prisoner who was sentenced to death for murdering a police officer, and he once referred to congressional Republicans as “a–holes.”

Newman believes that kind of radicalism is what to expect from the green-job advocates who wish to turn American children into cogs in a “green world order.”

Now available, to let you see what really goes on inside schools, is “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.”

“They’re preparing the children – and they tell you this – they’re preparing the children for the workforce, and this is like central planning on steroids,” Newman said. “It’s always failed everywhere.”

He explained that Common Core’s data gathering is about federal government control.

“They want to know everything about your kid, everything about your family, everything about their opinions, their academic performance, their psychological profile,” he said “And they’re building these huge dossiers in Washington, D.C., which of course is against the law and against the Constitution, and they’re going to use that absolutely for central planning purposes.”

Watch the interview:

Newman told host Tomi Lahren that several large companies, including Microsoft and Pearson, also plan to profit from Common Core.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is one of the largest investors in Common Core, and Pearson publishes study guides and other materials to prepare students for standardized tests.

“There’s no question that one of the huge problems and issues with this is that we have all these big, humongous, so-called education businesses and technology companies hoping to cash in on this cash cow,” Newman said.

Common Core is so bad that the two subject-matter experts hired to rubber-stamp the standards both refused to do so, according to Newman. Sandra Stotsky was not comfortable with Common Core’s English standards, and James Milgram claimed some of CC’s math standards were based on incorrect math.

“So now we have standards based on, in some places, incorrect math,” Newman said. “This is absolute Looney Tunes math. People with a math degree can no longer help their second graders with their math homework. This is totally, totally crazy.”

But Newman has hope, because all across the country, parents are resisting Common Core, including Democrats, Republicans and independents.

“Everybody is in an uproar about this, and it’s going to continue, and the politicians don’t really seem to care,” Newman said. “They’ve got Jeb Bush strong-arming them. They’ve got the special interests strong-arming them.

“But parents are tough people to deal with, and parents are saying, ‘Enough is enough!’ They’re taking their kids out of the schools so they don’t have to do the Common Core tests, and this rebellion is going to keep growing.,” he said.

“The politicians are ignoring this at their own peril.”


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