Author Topic: CBS Hillary Clinton Show in Freefall, Lost 3 Mil Viewers Since Debut  (Read 741 times)

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CBS’ Hillary Infomercial “Madam Secretary” Drives Away Younger Viewers

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On September 22, 2014 @ 11:35 am In The Point | 7 Comments

Politics as usual

Much like Hillary Clinton, Madam Secretary, CBS’s $100 million contribution to the Hillary 2016 campaign, drove away the young.

CBS did everything possible to favorably position Madam Secretary putting it after a Super Bowl rematch and 60 Minutes and right before the Good Wife.

You would think that 60 Minutes with its senescent cast of droners would have less younger viewers than Madam Secretary, but don’t count out the Hillary magic.

The current ratings show that Madam Secretary lost 4 million 60 Minutes viewers and lost half of its younger 18-49 viewers. That’s the demo prized by advertisers and Madam Secretary is going to have trouble staying on the air if it can’t get them to tune in.

Younger voters are also an obvious target for the Hillary 2016 campaign which is what Madam Secretary is really an ad for. That’s why CBS’s version of Hillary Clinton is being played by a woman twenty years younger than her.

When your demographics are older than 60 Minutes, you know your TV show and your campaign are in big trouble.

But hey, what difference does it make anyway?

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CBS Hillary Clinton Show Loses 1/3 Younger Viewers by 2nd Episode
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 10:46:43 am »
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CBS Hillary Clinton Show Loses 1/3 Younger Viewers by 2nd Episode

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On September 29, 2014 @ 3:14 pm In The Point | 23 Comments

Madam Secretary, CBS’ 100 million dollar Hillary infomercial, wasn’t doing too well with younger viewers to begin with.

You would think that 60 Minutes with its senescent cast of droners would have less younger viewers than Madam Secretary, but don’t count out the Hillary magic.

The current ratings show that Madam Secretary lost 4 million 60 Minutes viewers and lost half of its younger 18-49 viewers. That’s the demo prized by advertisers and Madam Secretary is going to have trouble staying on the air if it can’t get them to tune in.

Younger voters are also an obvious target for the Hillary 2016 campaign which is what Madam Secretary is really an ad for. That’s why CBS’s version of Hillary Clinton is being played by a woman twenty years younger than her.

When your demographics are older than 60 Minutes, you know your TV show and your campaign are in big trouble.

Now it’s doing even worse with the handful of younger viewers it still hadn’t alienated.

The latest ratings show that Madam Secretary’s 2nd episode is down to a 1.4 rating among the demo, viewers 18-49, down from 2.0.

Up against the premiere of the Simpsons and Once Upon a Time, which had demo ratings of 3.9 and 3.4, Madam Secretary performed as miserably as Hillary did as Secretary of State.

The overall series has lost 2 million viewers with its 2nd episode. That doesn’t look very promising. Its overall ratings aren’t catastrophic yet, but CBS is obsessive about retaining younger viewers. It already does well with older viewers.

Madam Secretary can’t afford to keep losing viewers 18-45 or it’s toast. It’s already drawn down to Good Wife and CSI level ratings in the demo. If it keeps falling beyond that, it hits Blue Bloods territory. Any further and it’s gone.

By way of comparison, Scorpion, CBS’ new drama, pulled in a 3.20 demo. NCIS New Orleans debuted with a 2.50 in the demo.

Robin Williams’ Crazy Ones got the ax after a season finale that pulled in a 1.30 in the demo. Hostages was canceled after dropping below 1.00 in the demo. Intelligence was canceled after a 1.20 in the demo.

Madam Secretary is performing with younger viewers like a show that’s been on the air for five years. At best. And that’s not a good thing.

The question is how much money is CBS willing to lose to promote Hillary Clinton?

Bonus: Diplomad’s review of Madam Secretary

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CBS Hillary Clinton Show in Freefall, Lost 3 Mil Viewers Since Debut
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2014, 09:33:40 am »
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CBS Hillary Clinton Show in Freefall, Lost 3 Mil Viewers Since Debut

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 13, 2014 @ 1:01 pm In The Point | 22 Comments

CBS may be spending as much as $100 million to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, but four episodes in, Madam Secretary’s ratings continue to fall. The show has lost 3 million viewers or 20 percent of its viewers since its debut.

Last night it hit a new low, ratingswise, falling to 11.4 million viewers.

About the only thing stabilizing its position is that The Good Wife, which it precedes and where Valerie Jarrett recently appeared, is doing even worse.

This isn’t even a question of competition. Madam Secretary is up against football and The Simpsons, programming that doesn’t compete with CBS’s Sunday night demographic of senile liberals still living in a fantasy world of policy relevance.

Still football is about the only thing that people watch on television anymore. Saturday Night Live fell to a new low despite the return of the “enormously popular Bill Hader” who isn’t popular anywhere outside Williamsburg hipster bars.

Networks have given up on programming for Middle America resulting in a wasteland of programming that no one actually watches funded by advertisers whose creatives keep convincing them that they aren’t wasting their money by running cereal ads promoting gay marriage to empty rooms.

There were more people in the 18-49 demo watching a repeat of Family Guy last night than a new episode of Madam Secretary. According to the latest Dem 2016 polling, maybe CBS should have done a show about Joe Biden if they wanted younger viewers.

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