Just in case ...
The proposal is titled ”Research Design for the Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs,” and was released in April. The study was produced by a company called Social Solutions International, Inc.. SSI has been awarded hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in federal contracts. Acting FCC Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn said that the FCC has a “duty” to find out what news is being broadcast in the announcement she made on May 24, 2013. Mignon is the daughter of James Clybern, who is probably the loaded voice on the Left to bring back the
"Fairness Doctrine".
There is a lot more to this proposed "study" than to just check out TV & Radio news content and who/what/when/why/where/how that content is given to the public. The proposal for the study shows that they are doing the same thing with Newsprint media, Internet Media AND Blogs -- and then they will go into 'target' neighborhoods to "study" the people who get their news, what media they participate in (Facebook, twitter, blogs, neighbors, church, organizations, family) .... you name it, they want to know it. The study also proposes questions about voting/politics and all this is connected to Census Data and Demographics .... if fact, Demographics is the first thing they have to determine about each and every step of the process. They have to discover the Demographics of all the employees of all of the News Media. It points out that the "interviews" with the Media employees should be 'secret' once the correct people to interview have been determined.