Author Topic: Leftists Won’t Be Going ‘Door-To-Door’ To Take Your Guns, Because They Won’t Have To  (Read 764 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Townhall by Scott Morefield 9/16/2019

Texas State Rep. Briscoe Cain’s inflammatory Thursday night tweet at Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke lit a social media firestorm. Responding to O’Rourke’s oft-repeated “Hell yes, we're gonna take your AR-15” line, a phrase many would consider a threat in and of itself, Cain tweeted his own version of ‘come and take it’ right back at the former Texas congressman: “My AR is ready for you.

Inflammatory rhetoric on both sides notwithstanding, the incident does speak to the dire apocalyptic imaginings of both sides of the gun control issue. On the one hand, you’ve got leftists fantasizing about the prospect of unleashing hordes of gun-wielding jackboots into the homes of millions of ordinary, law-abiding Americans to search for and confiscate any weaponry that has since been deemed illegal. And if the occasional person who feels his rights have been unjustly violated and force is warranted fires back in the process and is killed, good riddance. They were just ‘Deplorables’ anyway. On the other hand, many people on the right believe that such a show of force from a gun-grabbing government would result in enough literal blowback from gun-wielding citizens that tyranny would be stopped cold in its tracks. Either that, or they are prying the guns from our “cold, dead hands.”
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Both scenarios, of course, depend on a Democrat being elected president, Democrats taking over the Senate, and draconian gun ban laws being passed. All of which could happen, easily. What isn’t as likely to happen, however, minus some sort of Netflix-series-worthy cataclysmic event, is a scenario that involves gun-wielding government agents forcibly canvassing American homes in search of illegal weapons.

Like the frog in boiling water, the totalitarian state will happen when leftists are able to use the law to make de-facto criminals out of everyone they hate. Then, whether the proverbial jackboots come to your home and beat down your door now or later, whether they arrest you in a grocery store parking lot or sleeping in your bed, whether they prosecute you for using an “illegal” weapon to defend yourself against a home invader or hunting for food, whether they take your guns via “voluntary” buyback because you’ve got a family and can’t afford to risk going to prison, or from your cold, dead hands, they’ll know they’ve won. Because they’re eventually going to get your guns, one way or another.

In other words, when it comes to gun legislation or really anything else, don’t ever cede one lousy inch to evil, godless leftists.


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