After 40 years of parading around the airwaves with virtual sandwich boards proclaiming "the world is going to end today!" , it just might get to some folks. The rest of us just dismiss that constant drumbeat of impending doom, at least until some remarkably stupid policy come along, which is almost as often as the world is supposed to have ended.
Are the coastal cities under water? NOPE
Are we all being ripped apart by an unending procession of severer storms? Uh-uh.(There have always been nasty storms, the skyrocketing dollar amounts rely on what was a 30K house being 300K or more now.)
The air is cleaner (if you don't count CO2 as a "pollutant"--which it isn't, its a respiration product that doubles as plant food--you don't get more renewable than that)
Water (with a couple local exceptions) is cleaner.
Cars emit less unburned hydrocarbon into the atmosphere due to emissions systems that rely on fuel injection computer metered for the air intake, density, etc.
What can be recycled, in an environmentally and economically friendly fashion, is, especially metals which are environmentally intensive to mine and refine from ore.
Drilling for and producing hydrocarbons is far more efficient, with smaller surface environmental footprints and enhanced reclamation rules for P&A wells.
Utilization of other "fossil" fuels is cleaner than ever.
While there are some notable polluters out there, the US isn't it, and our policy should reflect that instead of constantly moving the goalposts.
While some summers are warmer than others, people aren't melting in their tracks and bursting into flame.
None of the prophesies of doom have been fulfilled.
Biblical prophets were required to bat 1.000, the Climate harpies have yet to get a prediction right.