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There is no end of gloating on websites with liberal and conservative comments by people who despise Trump.
The typical lib line is that nobody is above the law, and besides Trump deserves what he's getting.
My reply is that no matter what you think of Trump, two wrongs don't make a right. This was a screwball trial for many reasons as has been detailed by numerous legal experts many of whom are not Trump fans. Including yours truly. (I should add that I am not currently a legal expert and have never been one.)
To convict (and possibly throw somebody into prison) just because you detest a person sets a very dangerous precedent.
Mayor of small town Akron is a Malik?

Oh boy.  This is beyond black demographics.
Sports/Entertainment/MSM/Social Media / Re: Baseball 2024
« Last post by Hoodat on June 02, 2024, 09:16:47 pm »
After 7 straight LCS appearances, here is the line on the Astro's closer at the 60 game point in quest of their 8th.

Pressley- 0-3 5.82 era.    0 Saves. 4 Blown Saves. -0.5 WAR

Sums it up.

I would say bring back Doug Jones.  At the time of his death, he hasn't lost any speed on his pitching.
Elections 2024 / Re: Trump verdict supercharges Republicans
« Last post by Fishrrman on June 02, 2024, 09:16:45 pm »
Great graphic, RinVA !
Sports/Entertainment/MSM/Social Media / Re: Baseball 2024
« Last post by catfish1957 on June 02, 2024, 09:09:34 pm »
After 7 straight LCS appearances, here is the line on the Astro's closer at the 60 game point in quest of their 8th.

Pressley- 0-3 5.82 era.    0 Saves. 4 Blown Saves. -0.5 WAR

Sums it up.
Catfish said:
"Elections have consequences.
Do 50%+ there really think this is the way to go?"

Probably more like 65%

Forget it, Jake,
It's California...
Pssst !!!
Islam is Right
About LGBTQ.

(pass it on...)
(a Fishrrman original)
Well, no shit, Sherlock!!   **nononono*
As I've posted before:

There once was a law passed named The Chinese Exclusion Act.

Time to bring it back.
Immigration/Border / Re: Problems With Illegal Immigration
« Last post by Fishrrman on June 02, 2024, 08:39:49 pm »
The "problem" with "illegal immigration" is that we permit it to exist and thrive.

That could be stopped, and stopped quickly, if we had the will to do so.

But as I've said before, it's time to end ALL immigration to the USA.
Just END it.

I want to go on record in the forum for stating that the Statue of Liberty should be dismantled, and either sold to a museum or melted down as scrap.
And the Lazarus poem smashed on the pavement.

We do not want, nor do we need, the world's poor and hungry.
We have enough of our own.

I realize my position is, well, in the minority.
But I won't change it and won't withdraw it.
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