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There is a possibility if our country continues on our current liberal/socialist/marxist course that we are headed, we will have food ration cards --not the ration cards of long ago, but instead, we will have 'credit cards' with chips in them. They are already racing towards a cashless society. The chips in the credit cards will verify identity and what you're allotted portion is for virtually everything; food, water, medical, clothing, shelter, etc. No one will own anything expect for the ultra elite like Bill Gates, George Soros, et., al,  who will control the masses with the newest AI technology that will make the decision of who gets what and who does what.

AI technology is yet another discussion altogether.

I see it coming... This is why I stopped chasing the carrot and went back to subsistence living. If I can get out there, I can feed myself with my little truck garden. I can hunt and fish a plenty if I can get back out there.

If I have a garden put up, a hundred chickens in freezer camp, fifty more making eggs, And I bag an elk and a couple deer, I will need damn little from Uncle Nanny.

That's how I want it. At that point money becomes far less of an obstacle.
Well, a little arithmetic says that 7.7 billion dollars spread over 160,000 recipients translates to $48,125 (on average) per recipient.

next question...?
Right. Herds of Buffalo once crossed the plains from horizon to horizon as far as the eye could see. And they did it without peeing, farting, or pooping more than just enough for people to make dung fires, right? ...and didn't make any contribution to "Climate Change".

The cows just filled their niche, primarily because they are easier to harvest for meat.
My 2017 Subaru has a tire pressure monitor problem, technician cannot figure it out told me to ignore it. It's one of those nagging things on modern cars that drives me crazy, when the sensor fails then you have this warning barking at you like a jack russell bleep terrier. Very irritating.

The usual problem is the battery in the tire sensor goes out. The sensor then has to be replaced and they are expensive multiplied by all the tires you have (including the spare).
Hope it was Poison Ivy or Sumac.
pics of both in this link:

how weird - leave it to a bunch of Democrats. That BO painting was just stupid, like he was some black version of the Green Man. and Michelle's didn't even look like her to me. There's a painting out there on King Charles that looks like he's been dripped in blood, same weirdo art style.
yeah, they had Ted Cruz on one of these news shows today and he said he'd voted for Rick the last time but wouldn't commit just yet. There's several others running for ML, including the inferior senator from Texas. Mitch should've already resigned, he has the Biden problem.
I can't help but suspect they've dug up something on this guy...

That could be but I found it pretty amazing that he was voted in unanimously.  I had never heard of the guy. He was supposed to be the conservative that many were hoping for.  How quickly it was unveiled that he was nothing more than a DEM puppet.
My fleet is all at least a quarter century old. Just took the newest (a 2000) cross country and back (4500 mile trip) a couple weeks ago. I had to replace the crankshaft position sensor about 1200 miles out (I had the code reader with me, and tools) and burn through some bad fuel in Western MD, but a few jugs of Isoheet, and I was good to go.

Fewer sensors and subsystems mean fewer sensor failures, which means fewer problems overall.
I really don't care what Bruce Springsteen says, but I don't believe him. He is a musician and he makes a lot of money. Australia would tax him to the hilt, and Bruce is notoriously cheap - paid his roadies minimum wage and all. His music is okay IMO but I wouldn't pay to attend one of his concerts because he might talk.
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