The Briefing Room

General Category => Politics/Government => Topic started by: ABX on July 30, 2016, 12:40:09 am

Title: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: ABX on July 30, 2016, 12:40:09 am

Conservative writer and professional provocateur Ann Coulter may have finally gone too far Thursday night after mocking the Muslim father of a U.S. Army captain who died while saving ten of his fellow soldiers in Iraq in 2004.

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Cripplecreek on July 30, 2016, 12:54:37 am
After all the crazy crap she's spouted for the past year they get upset about this?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Cripplecreek on July 30, 2016, 01:02:02 am
She lost me some time ago, and I used to be a big fan (before she went completely nuts).  The last last LAST straw was her comments about Jews during one of the GOP primary debates.  I have no interest in anything she has to say ever again.

Saying Trump could perform abortions in the white house for all she cares as long as he builds a wall.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Crazieman on July 30, 2016, 01:02:21 am
She lost me some time ago, and I used to be a big fan (before she went completely nuts).  The last last LAST straw was her comments about Jews during one of the GOP primary debates.  I have no interest in anything she has to say ever again.

Sad watching people go insane.

I have most of her books, pre-insanity.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: sinkspur on July 30, 2016, 01:08:02 am
She's a bottle-a-night girl.

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: LadyLiberty on July 30, 2016, 01:08:41 am
She is horrid.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Cripplecreek on July 30, 2016, 01:12:01 am
Sad watching people go insane.

I have most of her books, pre-insanity.

I'm a big league pro. I got both Coulter and Ingram to block me in 1 tweet.

Somebody asked them what the difference was between them and I said "About 50 mg of Haldol".  :silly:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: sinkspur on July 30, 2016, 01:24:15 am
After Trump loses, Ann will find a home on VDare and on the alt-right forums on Twitter.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Gov Bean Counter on July 30, 2016, 01:25:47 am
She's a bottle-a-night girl.


Plus, when she said she was packin', who knew it was Marlboros???
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Chosen Daughter on July 30, 2016, 01:28:08 am
Yeah.  The list of appalling statements is long.  She has also become very hard and vulgar.  I want nothing to do with her.

I am ashamed I used to like her.  Disgusting.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Machiavelli on July 30, 2016, 01:29:06 am
Sad watching people go insane.

I have most of her books, pre-insanity.

Her insanity began at least 15 years ago: L’Affaire Coulter: Goodbye to all that. (
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: UMichConservative on July 30, 2016, 01:31:43 am
Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and FR have all gone full blown alt-right.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: ABX on July 30, 2016, 01:34:27 am
Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and FR have all gone full blown alt-right.

The freeping of politics; where hate and division drive out values and standards.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Idiot on July 30, 2016, 01:41:15 am
She dated Bill Maher....nothing else needs to be said.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: skeeter on July 30, 2016, 01:46:38 am
One thing you have to admit about Trump, he sure is winnowing the field.

There is now a long list of personalities I realize I'll never have to take seriously again.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Wingnut on July 30, 2016, 01:56:40 am
She lost me when she went gaga over Christie.

Even a years supply of Mydol and a ham sammich couldn't save her after that.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Crazieman on July 30, 2016, 02:01:09 am
I'm a big league pro. I got both Coulter and Ingram to block me in 1 tweet.

Somebody asked them what the difference was between them and I said "About 50 mg of Haldol".  :silly:

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on July 30, 2016, 08:53:08 am
My sympathies are with the parents of the fallen soldier....but I was still able to see the left-wing Hillary butt-kissing in his speech.  I don't like liberals and their political philosophy - period!  And I will not be co-opted by emotional horse crap.   There were two reasons he spoke at the convention:  He is muslim, and he was willing to repeat the dem propaganda; I don't care who you are....if you want to spread the dem lies and propaganda - and use the grave of your hero son to do it - I will have ZERO respect for you.  Sympathy, yes.  Respect, absolutely not.  Hillary doesn't give one tinker's dam that his son served and died....EXCEPT for her own political benefit - she played the father, and many "conservatives" like a Strad.

Ann just happened to point out the fact that the dems had no interest in Khan's service or patriotism - they just wanted to use his father, and Dad was apparently eager to be used.

There was a smear of the dems in her tweet, and Zakaria was smeared - Khan was NOT smeared - but the dems screamed because they understood that their craven motivations might be revealed.  I am more disappointed in Podhoritz than I am Ann.  Podhoritz has made it all the way to the enemy camp.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: kevindavis007 on July 30, 2016, 12:53:05 pm
I'm a big league pro. I got both Coulter and Ingram to block me in 1 tweet.

Somebody asked them what the difference was between them and I said "About 50 mg of Haldol".  :silly:

They haven't block me yet.. Yet, I call them names..
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: uglybiker on July 30, 2016, 01:14:30 pm
After Trump loses, Ann will find a home on VDare and on the alt-right forums on Twitter.

That or she'll be shacking up in a van down by the river with TLBSHOW.  :smokin:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Neverdul on July 30, 2016, 01:47:20 pm
My sympathies are with the parents of the fallen soldier....but I was still able to see the left-wing Hillary butt-kissing in his speech.  I don't like liberals and their political philosophy - period!  And I will not be co-opted by emotional horse crap.   There were two reasons he spoke at the convention:  He is muslim, and he was willing to repeat the dem propaganda; I don't care who you are....if you want to spread the dem lies and propaganda - and use the grave of your hero son to do it - I will have ZERO respect for you.  Sympathy, yes.  Respect, absolutely not.  Hillary doesn't give one tinker's dam that his son served and died....EXCEPT for her own political benefit - she played the father, and many "conservatives" like a Strad.

Ann just happened to point out the fact that the dems had no interest in Khan's service or patriotism - they just wanted to use his father, and Dad was apparently eager to be used.

There was a smear of the dems in her tweet, and Zakaria was smeared - Khan was NOT smeared - but the dems screamed because they understood that their craven motivations might be revealed.  I am more disappointed in Podhoritz than I am Ann.  Podhoritz has made it all the way to the enemy camp.

I will not argue with all that you said particularly that Khizr Khan appearance was political, of course it was. Then again what about the speakers of the GOP convention?  Mary Ann Mendoza, Sabine Durden, & Jamiel Shaw whose children were killed by illegals? Karen Vaughn whose son was killed in Afghanistan? Were those not politicized?

As to Coulter’s tweet:

Ann Coulter ✔ @AnnCoulter
You know what this convention really needed? An angry Muslim with a thick accent like Fareed Zacaria.
9:19 PM - 28 Jul 2016

First of all, in her Tweet, she was implying that there was something wrong or un-American because of Khan having a thick accent like Fareed Zacaria (correctly spelled Fareed Zakaria and who, while I don’t like him at all as a journalist or for his political view, is a naturalized American citizen originally from India and is a self-described secular and non-practicing Muslim).

Had Coulter stated more of what you stated above in your first two paragraphs, that would have been fair game and would have made a valid point, but no, Coulter had to go with the cheap shot of pointing out the man’s accent, Coulter becoming ever increasingly bigoted and losing focus on or making any meaningful comments.

And that brings me to my last point.

My father was born in Norway and he came here with his recently widowed mother in the late 1920’s when he was about 6 years old and neither could speak a lick of English. She met and married a man who was also and immigrant from Norway and they had two children together, my uncles.

The day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, my father who had just turned 18 tried to enlist but was turned down because he was not yet a naturalized American citizen (and neither were his mother and step father yet.)  But less than a year later he was drafted (go figure).

My father served with honor, distinction and valor (several metals for valor in combat) in the US Army in the SPT and was wounded twice (two Purple Hearts).

He officially became a naturalized American citizen shortly after the war, after he and my mother were married and my older brother was born.  And I say “officially” because the judge who presided over his swearing in said that due to his service, it was a legal formality. My grandmother and grandfather also became naturalized citizens around the same time.

My grandparent however still had their thick “foreign accents” but were proud of their son and of their country – the United Stated of America and flew an American flag in front of their house every day my father was overseas.

If Ann Coulter wants to be taken seriously (ever again) she needs to get off Twitter, lay off the insults and start saying things of substance.  Just as someone else should do.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Silver Pines on July 30, 2016, 01:54:58 pm
Sad watching people go insane.

I have most of her books, pre-insanity.


So did I.  Recently, though, I decided I didn't want them in the house anymore.  I knew it would be an empty gesture to throw them out---after all, the money went into her pocket long ago---but I knew it would feel really good.  Also, I just didn't want them around. 

So that idea went to the back of my mind until one day I noticed an empty space on the shelves.  I looked more closely and noticed that Coulter's books were gone.  I asked my husband where they were, and he said, "At the dump."    :laugh:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Silver Pines on July 30, 2016, 01:56:21 pm
Yeah.  The list of appalling statements is long.  She has also become very hard and vulgar.  I want nothing to do with her.

She's probably bitter because no man would marry her. 
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Cripplecreek on July 30, 2016, 01:58:53 pm

So did I.  Recently, though, I decided I didn't want them in the house anymore.  I knew it would be an empty gesture to throw them out---after all, the money went into her pocket long ago---but I knew it would feel really good.  Also, I just didn't want them around. 

So that idea went to the back of my mind until one day I noticed an empty space on the shelves.  I looked more closely and noticed that Coulter's books were gone.  I asked my husband where they were, and he said, "At the dump."    :laugh:

I just got my copy of "A Time for Truth" by Ted Cruz this morning. :patriot:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Silver Pines on July 30, 2016, 02:01:11 pm
I'm a big league pro. I got both Coulter and Ingram to block me in 1 tweet.

Somebody asked them what the difference was between them and I said "About 50 mg of Haldol".  :silly:



Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: sinkspur on July 30, 2016, 02:08:15 pm
My sympathies are with the parents of the fallen soldier....but I was still able to see the left-wing Hillary butt-kissing in his speech.  I don't like liberals and their political philosophy - period!  And I will not be co-opted by emotional horse crap.   There were two reasons he spoke at the convention:  He is muslim, and he was willing to repeat the dem propaganda; I don't care who you are....if you want to spread the dem lies and propaganda - and use the grave of your hero son to do it - I will have ZERO respect for you.  Sympathy, yes.  Respect, absolutely not.  Hillary doesn't give one tinker's dam that his son served and died....EXCEPT for her own political benefit - she played the father, and many "conservatives" like a Strad.

Ann just happened to point out the fact that the dems had no interest in Khan's service or patriotism - they just wanted to use his father, and Dad was apparently eager to be used.

There was a smear of the dems in her tweet, and Zakaria was smeared - Khan was NOT smeared - but the dems screamed because they understood that their craven motivations might be revealed.  I am more disappointed in Podhoritz than I am Ann.  Podhoritz has made it all the way to the enemy camp.

The cynicism of Trump has infected you to your core.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Silver Pines on July 30, 2016, 02:10:17 pm
I just got my copy of "A Time for Truth" by Ted Cruz this morning. :patriot:

That's a really good read.  You're going to enjoy it.

Only problem is, it will remind you again in a big way of the opportunity that was lost (as if we needed reminding).
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: HonestJohn on July 30, 2016, 06:46:53 pm
After Trump loses, Ann will find a home on VDare and on the alt-right forums on Twitter.

Yep.  And she'll be quoted as speaking the Holy Gospel by the alt-right, aka Trump supporters.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Vulcan on July 30, 2016, 08:36:20 pm
She is vile.  It's no wonder she is the hero of the harpies at TOS.

Given her lame record of supporting terrible candidates in the past, her support for lifelong liberal Donald Trump is understandable.

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Emjay on July 31, 2016, 05:01:37 am
[quote autho

I know.  I still feel twinges of sadness about that.  We could have had Ted Cruz who would have beaten Hillary easily and we chose the biggest Jackass in the known universe.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on July 31, 2016, 06:02:34 am
She lost me some time ago, and I used to be a big fan (before she went completely nuts).  The last last LAST straw was her comment about Jews during one of the GOP primary debates.  I have no interest in anything she has to say ever again.
Bill Maher was poor enough judgement on her part, but when she became inFATuated with Christie, she jumped the shark as far as I was concerned. She has a thing for NE Liberal types that either reflects or clouds her judgement. All else is just another writing assignment.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on July 31, 2016, 06:06:51 am
She dated Bill Maher....nothing else needs to be said.
I think it would have been fun to be a mouse in the corner if they had a spat. two sharp tongues--en garde!
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on July 31, 2016, 06:08:34 am
"About 50 mg of Haldol".  :silly:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: EasyAce on July 31, 2016, 06:36:36 am
Looks like Little Annie Fanny has signed a mortgage in the fever swamps.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: bygolly on July 31, 2016, 07:14:05 am
The freeping of politics; where hate and division drive out values and standards.

I had the audacity of exercising Free Thought and Free Speech criticizing Trump on FreeRepublic and got banned today from posting and responding because I said

"So sad that Trump is not capable of mourning for the family of a fallen service man and honor his sacrifice instead of responding in the typical manner he has this time and many other times as well. 'Laugh about it, shout about it, When you've got to choose, Every way you look at it, you lose'"

With all the issues in the world and this country, this election is Trump's to lose, and with such behavior, he may achieve that unintended goal.

Thanks to those who pointed me to this site!
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Vulcan on July 31, 2016, 07:40:33 am
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on July 31, 2016, 07:40:59 am
Hi @bygolly ! I saw that and would have sent you a lifeline, but you had already got the zot when I saw it.

Welcome to a more sane site. You will see a lot of familiar screen names here who used to be there. SOme of us have not been kicked off FR, but simply left.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Vulcan on July 31, 2016, 07:49:46 am
Hi @bygolly ! I saw that and would have sent you a lifeline, but you had already got the zot when I saw it.

Welcome to a more sane site. You will see a lot of familiar screen names here who used to be there. SOme of us have not been kicked off FR, but simply left.

I left back in January.  I choose not to be a part of any forum that supports lifelong liberals like Trump.

South40 (
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: geronl on July 31, 2016, 09:34:14 am
I had the audacity of exercising Free Thought and Free Speech criticizing Trump on FreeRepublic and got banned today from posting and responding because I said

Thanks to those who pointed me to this site!

Wecome @bygolly to TBR!
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Cripplecreek on July 31, 2016, 09:39:35 am
I had the audacity of exercising Free Thought and Free Speech criticizing Trump on FreeRepublic


Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: txradioguy on July 31, 2016, 09:53:45 am
I used to be proud of the fact I'd had my picture taken with Ann in the Green Room at Fox News HQ a few years ago.

Now I want to delete every copy I have.

She has become everything the DUmmies used to claim she was.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: R4 TrumPence on July 31, 2016, 10:14:18 am
Please give me a break!

Trump has nothing to do with the fighting!


Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: R4 TrumPence on July 31, 2016, 10:16:40 am
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on July 31, 2016, 10:28:37 am
Then again what about the speakers of the GOP convention?  Mary Ann Mendoza, Sabine Durden, & Jamiel Shaw whose children were killed by illegals? Karen Vaughn whose son was killed in Afghanistan? Were those not politicized?

The BIG difference is this - The GOP rank and file have been for protecting the border, pro military and pro family.  These people were selected and respected for what happened, not for their religion.  The left and Hillary have zero respect for the military.  Had Khan not been a puppet for the jackasses, they would have scorned his son's service.  If the conservatives been denigrating the children of these women, or others suffering the same tragedy, then it would be just as bad.  We have not, and it is not.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on July 31, 2016, 10:34:57 am
The cynicism of Trump has infected you to your core.

I'm waiting for the day your rusty calliope adds a new pipe and you can wear out a different note.  WE ALL GET IT, you don't like Trump (and apparently prefer Hillary - but that is uncertain because of the solitary note of your tiresome song).  Your vitriol and ugliness has become extremely tiresome.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: txradioguy on July 31, 2016, 10:44:07 am
Please give me a break!

Trump has nothing to do with the fighting!



You opinion is extremely biased and has no merit or weight anymore given your confessed personal bias and relationship with Trump.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: geronl on July 31, 2016, 10:59:18 am
Had Khan not been a puppet for the jackasses, they would have scorned his son's service. .

The R convention was all Trump. The GOP rank and file is not at issue. "Conservatives" are not at issue. Trump is at issue.

Trump fits the stereotype that liberals have created of "conservatives" to a capital T.

Trump has no problem denigrating former POW's, the handicapped, the poor (losers) or the wives and families of those who oppose him. (see: Ted Cruz).

There was absolutely no reason for Trump to say anything about this family, not one bit. The problem is that Trump cannot help himself. This is a guy who tweets insults to 13 year old girls! The man has no self-control at all.

"Thank you for your heroic sons service, Mr. Khan." was about all he should have said. Attacking the mans wife was so far beyond the bounds of decency that every conservative should have no problem telling Trump so. It was completely uncalled for. Calling them "puppets" is also uncalled for.

Mr. Khan is not the Democrat nominee, Mr. Khan is not on the ballot. Neither is the Colorado Springs Fire Department. Trump needs to get some self-control. Maybe he should drop of the race and take a community college course on the subject.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: geronl on July 31, 2016, 11:01:02 am
I'm waiting for the day your rusty calliope adds a new pipe and you can wear out a different note.  WE ALL GET IT, you don't like Trump (and apparently prefer Hillary - but that is uncertain because of the solitary note of your tiresome song).  Your vitriol and ugliness has become extremely tiresome.

Nobody on this website likes Hillary. That kind of statement is undignified. There is nothing uglier and more vitriolic than what you have just posted.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Axeslinger on July 31, 2016, 11:17:07 am
Please give me a break!

Trump has nothing to do with the fighting!


@R4 TrumPence
Hmmm.  For a moment there I thought you lifted something directly from a JimRob post at TOS without attribution.  But please take heart dear....You're wrong...I'm against you BECAUSE I'm with America.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: sitetest on July 31, 2016, 12:26:37 pm
After Trump loses, Ann will find a home on VDare and on the alt-right forums on Twitter.

She can do neo-Nazi conventions.  It won'the pay as well as hitlery's gigs paid, but it'll be a living.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on August 02, 2016, 06:14:10 am
The R convention was all Trump. The GOP rank and file is not at issue. "Conservatives" are not at issue. Trump is at issue.

Trump fits the stereotype that liberals have created of "conservatives" to a capital T.

Trump has no problem denigrating former POW's, the handicapped, the poor (losers) or the wives and families of those who oppose him. (see: Ted Cruz).

There was absolutely no reason for Trump to say anything about this family, not one bit. The problem is that Trump cannot help himself. This is a guy who tweets insults to 13 year old girls! The man has no self-control at all.

"Thank you for your heroic sons service, Mr. Khan." was about all he should have said. Attacking the mans wife was so far beyond the bounds of decency that every conservative should have no problem telling Trump so. It was completely uncalled for. Calling them "puppets" is also uncalled for.

Mr. Khan is not the Democrat nominee, Mr. Khan is not on the ballot. Neither is the Colorado Springs Fire Department. Trump needs to get some self-control. Maybe he should drop of the race and take a community college course on the subject.

To continue....Ted Cruz (my first choice) is not on the ballot.  If one wants to continually denigrate Trump (you included) - the clear conclusion is that they prefer Hillary to Trump - because one of the two will be president, and she is who they are helping.    Calling the Khans "puppets" is completely called for (I will not cheer for someone assisting tyranny,just because their son died fighting tyranny of a different sort).They allowed themselves to be used by Hillary.  Their son was killed while killing radical Islamists - and Hillary likes the killers of radical Islamists to be killed.  Khan trashed Trump for essentially saying we need to keep radical Islamists out of the US - he lied by calling it unconstitutional, directly out of the Hillary propaganda handbook; and his waving the constitution while putting his own ignorance of the document on display.  They are puppets of Hillary. 

Just so you know, I don't sit here waiting for you to "call for" specific comments; neither you, nor anyone else, is the arbiter of my thoughts.

Regarding the comments about Cruz's wife - Ted's campaign started that war.  You can't have that one both ways.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on August 02, 2016, 06:30:13 am
Nobody on this website likes Hillary. That kind of statement is undignified. There is nothing uglier and more vitriolic than what you have just posted.

Hillary is, and a Hillary presidency is even more so - and the moribund GOP is most of all. 

You have every right to trash Trump and thereby help Hillary - just don't pretend that you're not helping her.  (BTW - I trash McCain - being a POW he should know better, but he is nothing more than a liberal shill now - not much better than Kerry in that regard.  I have zero respect for the "man" he is today.)

IF you are trying to help Hillary in order to destroy the corrupt GOP, I can accept that.  Had Jeb been the nominee, I would have voted "Hillary" for that purpose.  The relic of cronyism and privilege known as the Republican Party needs to die, the more sooner the more better.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: geronl on August 02, 2016, 06:42:58 am
Trump is just as liberal and just as bad as Hillary.

I don't support and will not vote for either of them.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 07:07:44 am
To continue....Ted Cruz (my first choice) is not on the ballot.  If one wants to continually denigrate Trump (you included) - the clear conclusion is that they prefer Hillary to Trump - because one of the two will be president, and she is who they are helping.    Calling the Khans "puppets" is completely called for (I will not cheer for someone assisting tyranny,just because their son died fighting tyranny of a different sort).They allowed themselves to be used by Hillary.  Their son was killed while killing radical Islamists - and Hillary likes the killers of radical Islamists to be killed.  Khan trashed Trump for essentially saying we need to keep radical Islamists out of the US - he lied by calling it unconstitutional, directly out of the Hillary propaganda handbook; and his waving the constitution while putting his own ignorance of the document on display.  They are puppets of Hillary. 

Just so you know, I don't sit here waiting for you to "call for" specific comments; neither you, nor anyone else, is the arbiter of my thoughts.

Regarding the comments about Cruz's wife - Ted's campaign started that war.  You can't have that one both ways.
I'm not voting for Hillary, either. I'm voting for Darrell Castle (Constitution Party).
As far as the ad with the GQ cover image of Melania,first off, there would have been no ad without the image, consensually obtained, model release signed, licensed for use. You can't blame anyone else for that.
Cruz replied when he heard about the ad "That's not one of ours."
In FReeperland the cartwheeling sh*t fit was that he did not "disavow" the ad, whatever that means, because "That's not one of ours." sure sounds like disavowing to me. Repeating Cruz' comment about the ad, and later the facts did not deter the tempest of crap that flew around the web and twitter over the ad, all (incorrectly) blaming Cruz because he didn't rent out every interstate billboard for ads decrying the ad or have skywriters put smoke trails over every major population center saying it wasn't a Cruz campaign ad. He just said "That's not one of ours." and dismissed it.

That was run by a PAC run by Liz Mair, who actually was a Rubio supporter but who was also quite anti-Trump.

Trump's response was to attack someone who had nothing to do with the ad, viciously, and when it came out that the Cruz camp had nothing to do with it, Trump doubled down and lied and redoubled his attack on Heidi.

His response was rash, vicious, and directed at the wrong person. When shown to be wrong, he not only did not apologize, but lied to justify continued attacks on the wrong people.
Now, if Donald Trump gets elected, and if some rogue Moldovan sets off a nuke in Key West, who is he going to nuke back in retaliation?

Will he get the facts? Or will he plunge into WWIII and lie about who started what?
I don't want him in my White House, thankyouverymuch.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on August 02, 2016, 07:42:45 am
What I wanted from Cruz was something on the order of: "That ad is despicable.  We had nothing to do with it"  By merely saying he wasn't to blame, he tacitly approved of the message (a particularly weaselly political move, and one that disappointed my greatly,because it was a move attempting to reap the benefit and avoid responsibility at the same time).

"As far as the ad with the GQ cover image of Melania,first off, there would have been no ad without the image, consensually obtained, model release signed, licensed for use. You can't blame anyone else for that."  Yeah....that's exactly the position Cruz took. But - what's good for the goose...
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: txradioguy on August 02, 2016, 07:57:13 am
What I wanted from Cruz was something on the order of: "That ad is despicable.  We had nothing to do with it"  By merely saying he wasn't to blame, he tacitly approved of the message (a particularly weaselly political move, and one that disappointed my greatly,because it was a move attempting to reap the benefit and avoid responsibility at the same time).

"As far as the ad with the GQ cover image of Melania,first off, there would have been no ad without the image, consensually obtained, model release signed, licensed for use. You can't blame anyone else for that."  Yeah....that's exactly the position Cruz took. But - what's good for the goose...

What part of "it's not one of ours" confuses you?

You realize that the people that ran that ad were IIRC pro Rubio at the time right?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 08:30:31 am
What I wanted from Cruz was something on the order of: "That ad is despicable.  We had nothing to do with it"  By merely saying he wasn't to blame, he tacitly approved of the message (a particularly weaselly political move, and one that disappointed my greatly,because it was a move attempting to reap the benefit and avoid responsibility at the same time).

"As far as the ad with the GQ cover image of Melania,first off, there would have been no ad without the image, consensually obtained, model release signed, licensed for use. You can't blame anyone else for that."  Yeah....that's exactly the position Cruz took. But - what's good for the goose...
"That's not one of ours" is sufficient to say he had nothing to do with it, and he did not comment.
Why would he, he already said it wasn't his (which most any intelligent person would interpret to mean he had nothing to do with it).

Other fish to fry, not his job, etc. It isn't approval, and definitely not a reason for Trump to go all hell bent for leather attacking Heidi.

Given that Trump acted before he had the facts, attacked the WRONG PEOPLE, and when he found out the facts CONTINUED ATTACKING THE WRONG PEOPLE, and LIED to cover for ATTACKING THE WRONG PEOPLE, don't you have any qualms about this guy having someone following him around 24/7 carrying the nuclear football?

Any concerns for our Armed forces personnel who might find themselves ass deep in a war started by someone who managed deferment after deferment?

Cruz could have cartwheeled across Times Square in the nude with sparklers hanging out of every orifice screaming at the top of his lungs "I didn't do it" and it would have made no difference--and shouldn't have--BECAUSE THE CRUZ PEOPLE IN GENERAL AND HEIDI IN PARTICULAR WERE WRONGFULLY ATTACKED FOR AN AD THEY DID NOT RUN.

And if she hadn't posed for the picture, kindly tell me where the ad would have been then? Nonexistent.

Don't make excuses for the inexcusable. Trump screwed up, doubled down and lied about an innocent man to justify his continuing screwup. He didn't even back down. That's a scumbag in my book.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on August 02, 2016, 08:46:33 am
So you choose to blame Melania for the ad?  That seems a wee bit hypocritical to me.  Cruz should have blasted the ad, he didn't and in not doing it, he lost the moral high ground, me, and possibly his campaign.  If I recall, Trump's response was pictures of Heidi and Melania - so that must have been Heidi's fault?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Crazieman on August 02, 2016, 08:51:51 am
So you choose to blame Melania for the ad?  That seems a wee bit hypocritical to me.  Cruz should have blasted the ad, he didn't and in not doing it, he lost the moral high ground, me, and possibly his campaign.  If I recall, Trump's response was pictures of Heidi and Melania - so that must have been Heidi's fault?

Leave it to a Trumpist to confuse a private shoot with a public photograph.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: txradioguy on August 02, 2016, 08:53:02 am
So you choose to blame Melania for the ad?  That seems a wee bit hypocritical to me.  Cruz should have blasted the ad, he didn't and in not doing it, he lost the moral high ground, me, and possibly his campaign.  If I recall, Trump's response was pictures of Heidi and Melania - so that must have been Heidi's fault?

That's NOT what @Smokin Joe said.

How does continuing to rehash this dead issue help beat Hillary?  What does it have to do with the OP regarding the disgusting comments by Ann Coulter?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on August 02, 2016, 09:00:20 am
I invite you to read the previous posts to see how it developed.

If Joe wants to blame Melania for the one ad (and he clearly did), then by implication, he must blame Heidi for the next one.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Crazieman on August 02, 2016, 09:10:47 am
I invite you to read the previous posts to see how it developed.

If Joe wants to blame Melania for the one ad (and he clearly did), then by implication, he must blame Heidi for the next one.

Again, to a Trumpist.  A voluntary, private shoot is equivalent to an unflattering public photograph.

Logic fail.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Neverdul on August 02, 2016, 09:26:04 am

"As far as the ad with the GQ cover image of Melania,first off, there would have been no ad without the image, consensually obtained, model release signed, licensed for use. You can't blame anyone else for that."  Yeah....that's exactly the position Cruz took. But - what's good for the goose...

BS. Those photos from her GQ shoot have been on the internet and in the public domain for many years. You can Google them.

The anti-Trump PAC, which BTW had no ties to Cruz, were not the first to use those photos to create internet memes from those publically available photos:



[img 500][/img]


Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Henry Noel on August 02, 2016, 10:06:17 am
That's NOT what @Smokin Joe said.

How does continuing to rehash this dead issue help beat Hillary?  What does it have to do with the OP regarding the disgusting comments by Ann Coulter?

What did impeaching Bill Clinton have to do with feeding the poor?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on August 02, 2016, 10:12:40 am
Again, to a Trumpist.  A voluntary, private shoot is equivalent to an unflattering public photograph.

Logic fail.
Ohhhh- I get it.  Melania was OK with her "voluntary private shoot" being used in an ad against her husband, but Heidi was not OK with her "unflattering public photograph" being so used.  Is that it?  Talk about logic fails.

The fact is, Ted could have defused the whole thing early on by making a strongly worded statement against the ad, instead of saying "I didn't do it" and leaving it at that.  I was disappointed in the actions of both men, and lost my fervor for Ted, at that time.

The fact is Trump has overcome his missteps, so far - and Hillary is the only viable alternative.  I would rather vote for Carson or Cruz, but neither of them will be on the ballot, an such a vote would be the same as staying home.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Crazieman on August 02, 2016, 10:19:05 am
Ohhhh- I get it.  Melania was OK with her "voluntary private shoot" being used in an ad against her husband, but Heidi was not OK with her "unflattering public photograph" being so used.  Is that it?  Talk about logic fails.

The fact is, Ted could have defused the whole thing early on by making a strongly worded statement against the ad, instead of saying "I didn't do it" and leaving it at that.  I was disappointed in the actions of both men, and lost my fervor for Ted, at that time.

The fact is Trump has overcome his missteps, so far - and Hillary is the only viable alternative.  I would rather vote for Carson or Cruz, but neither of them will be on the ballot, an such a vote would be the same as staying home.

Continued logic fail.

And laughably, "Was for Cruz", but slighted in a manner not only trivial, but factually incorrect.  Yes, Constitutionalists are a fickle bunch, able to be turned on a media driven dime and utterly uncapable of their own research.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: GilesB on August 02, 2016, 10:32:22 am
Continued logic fail.

And laughably, "Was for Cruz", but slighted in a manner not only trivial, but factually incorrect.  Yes, Constitutionalists are a fickle bunch, able to be turned on a media driven dime and utterly uncapable of their own research.
Hey Sweetie Pie - if you laughed less and researched more, you would discover who I was "for".  Quick question - what do you thing got me bounced from FR in the first place?

OHhhhhhhhhh - "factually incorrect"?  Did I miss the time Cruz said the ad that he had nothing to do with was despicable???  Nope, I didn't think so.

Tearing down Trump will not put Cruz on the ballot, much as you or I might want it to, the most it can do is put Hillary in the White House (wild applause for your misguided efforts)
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 06:35:51 pm
So you choose to blame Melania for the ad?  That seems a wee bit hypocritical to me.  Cruz should have blasted the ad, he didn't and in not doing it, he lost the moral high ground, me, and possibly his campaign.  If I recall, Trump's response was pictures of Heidi and Melania - so that must have been Heidi's fault?

No, It was Liz Mair's PAC which ran the ad. Melania just provided the material.

So, why attack Heidi Cruz at all?
Why should have Cruz "blasted the ad"?  It wasn't one of his ads. How much of his campaign time should he spend giving Trump and the people who did the ad publicity when he has his own message to get out despite Trump using up most of the airtime on the news already. Why not spend that time talking about his message instead of Trump and an ad he had no connection to?

Which other candidates "blasted the ad" (links please!) ? Were their wives the focus of vicious attacks from Trump?

HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY DONALD TRUMP ATTACKING THE WIFE OF A MAN WHO HAD NO CONNECTION WITH THE AD? When the information came out, Trump continued attacking the wife of a man who had no connection with the ad.

Like I said, Trump attacked the wrong people--either with or without knowing where the ad came from. If he knew, then attacked Cruz anyway, well, it makes as much sense as nuking Moscow because Thailand invaded Australia.

Then he doubled down. Trump lied about the ad, when that didn't work, the next angle was the one you just pulled: that some how Cruz didn't 'disavow' the ad HARD ENOUGH.  WTF?

I'll ask you the same question I asked on the last site I saw this "logic".

Just so we know, for future reference, how much 'disavowal' of a dirty trick is enough?

Would you be satisfied with the person who pulled the dirty trick not getting an endorsement?

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 06:42:14 pm
I invite you to read the previous posts to see how it developed.

If Joe wants to blame Melania for the one ad (and he clearly did), then by implication, he must blame Heidi for the next one.
I didn't blame Melania for the ad, I just said without the photo shoot there would not have been any material; the ad would not have been possible.

Construing that to mean I blamed her for the ad is the sort of logic which would blame the iron miner in northern Minnesota for the shot fired from a rifle made from the ore. Nope. Granted, there would have been no ad without the image. It just would not have been the same ad on a blank white page.

I'm sure you will screw this up, too little troll, but here goes:

The responsibility for the ad belongs with the people who made and ran the ad.

Let's see if you have a streets of Chicago flashback over that statement.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 06:54:08 pm
Ohhhh- I get it.  Melania was OK with her "voluntary private shoot" being used in an ad against her husband, but Heidi was not OK with her "unflattering public photograph" being so used.  Is that it?  Talk about logic fails.

The fact is, Ted could have defused the whole thing early on by making a strongly worded statement against the ad, instead of saying "I didn't do it" and leaving it at that.  I was disappointed in the actions of both men, and lost my fervor for Ted, at that time.

The fact is Trump has overcome his missteps, so far - and Hillary is the only viable alternative.  I would rather vote for Carson or Cruz, but neither of them will be on the ballot, an such a vote would be the same as staying home.
The fact is, it wasn't a "misstep". It was a brutal, vicious, and ongoing attack, despite knowing it wasn't Cruz' people who ran the ad. It required lying to 'justify' the attack, even though two wrongs don't make a right, and required getting people like you to set some ridiculous non-standard for conspicuously decrying someone else's material to not become a target of the invective of a third party.

Trump: Acted rashly at best (without information), under false premises at worst (knew better, but did it anyway) to attack an innocent party. When it was exposed that that party was innocent, Trump blamed the people attacked, doubled down, and continued to attack the wrong people, at first lying to justify the attack, then blaming the innocent party for not condemning the ad loud enough to suit him, whatever that would take (unspecified).

That's a disturbing pattern of behaviour for someone you'd have in command of the world's most powerful military.

Oh well, if he wins, at least I have a ringside seat for WWIII...
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Idaho_Cowboy on August 02, 2016, 06:59:39 pm
I had the audacity of exercising Free Thought and Free Speech criticizing Trump on FreeRepublic and got banned today from posting and responding because I said

"So sad that Trump is not capable of mourning for the family of a fallen service man and honor his sacrifice instead of responding in the typical manner he has this time and many other times as well. 'Laugh about it, shout about it, When you've got to choose, Every way you look at it, you lose'"

With all the issues in the world and this country, this election is Trump's to lose, and with such behavior, he may achieve that unintended goal.

Thanks to those who pointed me to this site!
If I haven't said it yet. Welcome!  :seeya:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 07:04:19 pm

OHhhhhhhhhh - "factually incorrect"?  Did I miss the time Cruz said the ad that he had nothing to do with was despicable???  Nope, I didn't think so.

Tearing down Trump will not put Cruz on the ballot, much as you or I might want it to, the most it can do is put Hillary in the White House (wild applause for your misguided efforts)
Cruz said "That's not one of ours." Simply enough, he wouldn't have an ad like that.
Now, as low as Trumpsters put Cruz on the evolutionary scale, I'd say that is a sufficient decrying of the ad.
Was there something about the public that required they be told the ad was despicable? Maybe a really bad public school education? Zika virus? Endemic neurological deficit involving cognitive faculties? Do I need to tell you the sky is blue? Water is wet? How much jumping up and down needs to accompany the obvious to get the idea across? Should I hire the cast of Sesame Street?

Some things are obvious enough.

That was just another excuse to try to justify attacking people who had nothing to do with the ad.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: LonestarDream on August 02, 2016, 07:05:30 pm
She's probably bitter because no man would marry her.

Always wondered about that.  As attractive and talented as she was probably could not share her time with another.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: LonestarDream on August 02, 2016, 07:09:53 pm
That's a really good read.  You're going to enjoy it.

Only problem is, it will remind you again in a big way of the opportunity that was lost (as if we needed reminding).

Ted will run in 18 for the Senate.  Or Gov of Texas or Presidency in 2020.

Wish we could get rid of McConnell and put Ted in the Senate leadership.

Lots to admire in Cruz.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 07:20:57 pm
You are right about the ultimate responsibility.  But I also blame Melania.  They were not secret pictures.  She posed for them, was paid for them, and knew they would be published.  She just didn't know she would eventually be married to a candidate for U.S. President.  The info is true.  It actually was a lighter version of the truth than has been recently revealed.  It is not like a tabloid made up a preposterous story about her.  That's in Trump's bag of dirty tricks.

Team Trump was mad because they wanted the truth withheld from voters in Utah.  He won't say he is ashamed of the pictures, only that he is owed the right to withhold the truth from voters if he feels it serves his needs.  So what did he do?  He distracted from the story by calling Heidi ugly.
Think about that.

He wants to control what 'truth' you get.
(This is the guy who wanted to change the First Amendment to squelch some speech with lawsuits)
His supporters have repeatedly driven those who don't like/are unimpressed with/discuss the foibles of/bring up 'uncomfortable' facts about Donald Trump from internet forums, campaign venues, etc.
(Again, that squelch the First Amendment thingy)
In order to build a smokescreen, he attacked the wife of a person who had nothing to do with the ad, either rashly and without the facts, or knowingly.
(either way, not a good trait for someone who would have the go/no go for strategic weapons)
When the facts were made known, he redoubled his attacks, saying they were justified because that innocent party hadn't 'disavowed' the actions of someone else loudly enough (whatever loudly enough might be).
At no time did he admit the 'mistake': therefore it was a calculated and opportunistic attack.
At no time did he apologize to either Ted or Heidi Cruz for publicly crapping all over both of them.
(Another indication, via absence of remorse for wrongdoing, that it was intentional.)

And people wonder why Cruz wouldn't endorse Donald Trump.
(Was that loud enough for you, Mr. Trump?)
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: aligncare on August 02, 2016, 07:26:22 pm

I thought the complaint was about Donald Trump not focusing and not letting go of the Ted Cruz issue....yet here we are, Cruzers sounding like they still have a man crush on the Canadian also-ran -- the candidate so popular with the electorate that he came in a distant second. Wasn't even a horse race.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 07:26:43 pm
She's probably bitter because no man would marry her.
The same vicious sarcasm which makes her writing a hit (when aimed the right way) would be a real burden in a marriage. That shrew would take a lot of taming. I think that's why she is attracted to the brusque Northeastern types, but that's just mostly rudeness confined to a social construct, not power over a force of nature. If she wants real strength, she needs a change of venue.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: aligncare on August 02, 2016, 07:28:39 pm
... And what of the threat of Hillary Clinton?  :shrug:   :whistle:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 07:33:40 pm
I thought the complaint was about Donald Trump not focusing and not letting go of the Ted Cruz issue....yet here we are, Cruzers sounding like they still have a man crush on the Canadian also-ran -- the candidate so popular with the electorate that he came in a distant second. Wasn't even a horse race.
Discussion of Trump's attacks on Cruz is germane to the exposure of a series of personality traits which indicate Trump is not POTUS material.

I expect Trump in his ongoing campaign to use smokescreens, and steamroll innocent people in the process.
No apologies will be forthcoming for those attacked wrongfully.
The only question is one of who those smokescreens are designed to protect, and whether Trump's taking the headlines from Hillary's ills is a matter of running interference for her, or just his bombastic ego demanding he be the center of attention to the detriment of his own campaign.

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Idaho_Cowboy on August 02, 2016, 07:44:10 pm
Please give me a break!

Trump has nothing to do with the fighting!


Alright then if you insist on drawing a line here: I'm against you. I don't want any tyrannical liberals running the country. I think it is very sad the way Donald Trump has become a shibboleth of the Republican Party. Win lose or draw, we conservatives are going to need each other down the road. I've said before that there are no traitors here and I still mean that, I wish we could be on the same page on something so simple.

As far as I am concerned Donald Trump is a member of the Clinton machine. However, in my mind, that does not make his supporters willing accomplices in that. Plenty are still Patriots without whom we will not win many of the fights we are going to face. I have tried to keep my arguments limited to the facts at hand, or Donald himself. He's running a farce of a campaign and I'm treating it as such.

Trump is the one who had to step into the middle of this fight in his usually ham handed way by attacking the man's wife. If he'd simply stayed out to the way and let the truth come out that would be one thing. Donald is the one who turned the spotlight on this whole thing by attacking this couple on twitter and elsewhere. He may have had the seed of a plant that could have grown into a point; instead he managed in his usual ham handed way of looking like a braying beast of burden. Ann Coulter apparently felt compelled to double down on the attack. It's a sad state of affairs if anyone is using Ann Coulter's crazy racist attacks as a test of Patriotism.

The real attack to be waged is against the democrats for manipulating this couple into a living political football, but that’s just my two cents.

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Idaho_Cowboy on August 02, 2016, 07:47:52 pm
Leave it to a Trumpist to confuse a private shoot with a public photograph.
One would think it wasn't Melania's profession to pose for these photos.  :whistle:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Idaho_Cowboy on August 02, 2016, 07:49:09 pm
... And what of the threat of Hillary Clinton?  :shrug:   :whistle:
Apparently trumped by the importance of Fire Chiefs, crying babies, and of course Ted Cruz.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Wingnut on August 02, 2016, 07:55:03 pm
@Idaho_Cowboy    Hey, I looked up "Trumpsplain" in the dictionary and next to it was a picture of aligncare.
under it it said "Frequent User"

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 08:09:33 pm
@Idaho_Cowboy    Hey, I looked up "Trumpsplain" in the dictionary and next to it was a picture of aligncare.
under it it said "Frequent User"
Do they have a 12-step program for that yet?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: musiclady on August 02, 2016, 08:10:33 pm
I'm waiting for the day your rusty calliope adds a new pipe and you can wear out a different note.  WE ALL GET IT, you don't like Trump (and apparently prefer Hillary - but that is uncertain because of the solitary note of your tiresome song).  Your vitriol and ugliness has become extremely tiresome.

@sinkspur 's "ugliness" has become "extremely tiresome" after only 40 posts on this forum??  Can we say ADHD??

As for the grotesque lie that he "prefers Hillary" that is forbidden on this forum.  So don't do it again, KAY??

We stand for TRUTH at TBR.  Get used to it @GilesB or you just won't fit in very well here.....
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: musiclady on August 02, 2016, 08:12:25 pm
Nobody on this website likes Hillary. That kind of statement is undignified. There is nothing uglier and more vitriolic than what you have just posted.


Ugly.  Deceitful.  Grotesque.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: geronl on August 02, 2016, 08:13:48 pm
So you choose to blame Melania for the ad?  That seems a wee bit hypocritical to me.  Cruz should have blasted the ad, he didn't and in not doing it, he lost the moral high ground, me, and possibly his campaign.  If I recall, Trump's response was pictures of Heidi and Melania - so that must have been Heidi's fault?

Cruz had nothing to do with the ad. Why don't you expect Kasich and Rubio and other candidate to denounce the ad too? Heck denounce everything they had nothing to do with.

The standard makes zero sense. Cruz did the right thing in having nothing to do with it. Cruz never had a bad thing to say about Melania, now compare that to what Trump did.

Trump is the sewer of politics.

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 08:18:39 pm
Cruz had nothing to do with the ad. Why don't you expect Kasich and Rubio and other candidate to denounce the ad too? Heck denounce everything they had nothing to do with.

The standard makes zero sense. Cruz did the right thing in having nothing to do with it. Cruz never had a bad thing to say about Melania, now compare that to what Trump did.

Trump is the sewer of politics.
Wait! Wait! I got it!

Run ads in the back of every one page newspaper of record nationwide at the start of the campaign:
I am not responsible for any political ads run by anyone other than myself.

Oh wait, that's why the "Approved by" bit goes on the ad, isn't it? (The "paid for by..." part was conveniently removed from the Melania ad before Trump started his attacks.)
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: musiclady on August 02, 2016, 08:24:13 pm
To continue....Ted Cruz (my first choice) is not on the ballot.  If one wants to continually denigrate Trump (you included) - the clear conclusion is that they prefer Hillary to Trump - because one of the two will be president, and she is who they are helping.    Calling the Khans "puppets" is completely called for (I will not cheer for someone assisting tyranny,just because their son died fighting tyranny of a different sort).They allowed themselves to be used by Hillary.  Their son was killed while killing radical Islamists - and Hillary likes the killers of radical Islamists to be killed.  Khan trashed Trump for essentially saying we need to keep radical Islamists out of the US - he lied by calling it unconstitutional, directly out of the Hillary propaganda handbook; and his waving the constitution while putting his own ignorance of the document on display.  They are puppets of Hillary. 

Just so you know, I don't sit here waiting for you to "call for" specific comments; neither you, nor anyone else, is the arbiter of my thoughts.

Regarding the comments about Cruz's wife - Ted's campaign started that war.  You can't have that one both ways.

Noting the beginning of the thread hijack from Ann Coulter to an anti-Cruz lie by a so-called "Cruz was my first choice" feller......

I'm beginning to see a pattern with this young man/woman today.

It's fascinating to watch.....
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 02, 2016, 09:05:43 pm
Noting the beginning of the thread hijack from Ann Coulter to an anti-Cruz lie by a so-called "Cruz was my first choice" feller......

I'm beginning to see a pattern with this young man/woman today.

It's fascinating to watch.....
Isn't it, though?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Wingnut on August 02, 2016, 09:24:05 pm
Noting the beginning of the thread hijack from Ann Coulter to an anti-Cruz lie by a so-called "Cruz was my first choice" feller......

I'm beginning to see a pattern with this young man/woman today.

It's fascinating to watch.....

Son of "Dem Plant"? 
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: musiclady on August 02, 2016, 09:25:43 pm
Son of "Dem Plant"?

Could be! At any rate, I have the strange feeling he/she's been here before.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Silver Pines on August 02, 2016, 09:32:37 pm
To continue....Ted Cruz (my first choice)

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: musiclady on August 02, 2016, 09:35:05 pm

Love that.   I know that, since Ted Cruz was my first choice, I like to hijack threads with personal attacks against him....

It's only logical, isn't it??    :shrug:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Wingnut on August 02, 2016, 09:36:41 pm
Could be! At any rate, I have the strange feeling he/she's been here before.

Me too.  I'm to lazy to do a "Key Word" Search and see who pops up.  Maybe later.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: musiclady on August 02, 2016, 09:38:19 pm
Me too.  I'm to lazy to do a "Key Word" Search and see who pops up.  Maybe later.

Not that big a deal.  The transparency of the ploy should be obvious to all, and he won't get away with it for long.
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: EasyAce on August 02, 2016, 11:37:03 pm
If one wants to continually denigrate Trump (you included) - the clear conclusion is that they prefer Hillary to Trump - because one of the two will be president, and she is who they are helping.

Thank God my state has "None of These Candidates" as an option.  I'm not about to
vote for either one of these skanks.

Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: sinkspur on August 02, 2016, 11:48:06 pm
I'm waiting for the day your rusty calliope adds a new pipe and you can wear out a different note.  WE ALL GET IT, you don't like Trump (and apparently prefer Hillary - but that is uncertain because of the solitary note of your tiresome song).  Your vitriol and ugliness has become extremely tiresome.

Not voting for Hillary either, sport.  You can always put me on ignore if you don't like what I say. 

You only come out after midnight.  Afraid to actually have to have a discussion?
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 03, 2016, 12:07:22 am
Quote from: GilesB on July 31, 2016, 06:34:57 AM

    I'm waiting for the day your rusty calliope adds a new pipe and you can wear out a different note.  WE ALL GET IT, you don't like Trump (and apparently prefer Hillary - but that is uncertain because of the solitary note of your tiresome song).  Your vitriol and ugliness has become extremely tiresome.

Not voting for Hillary either, sport.  You can always put me on ignore if you don't like what I say. 

You only come out after midnight.  Afraid to actually have to have a discussion?
Wow, sink, just think: after Giles B makes a whole 40 posts, your becoming "extremely tiresome" is a new record!!

How do you do it?  :da man: :da man: :da man: :da man:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: musiclady on August 03, 2016, 12:34:28 am
Wow, sink, just think: after Giles B makes a whole 40 posts, your becoming "extremely tiresome" is a new record!!

How do you do it?  :da man: :da man: :da man: :da man:

Methinks ol' giles has been around the block a time or two before.  :smokin:
Title: Re: ‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad
Post by: Smokin Joe on August 03, 2016, 02:59:39 am
Methinks ol' giles has been around the block a time or two before.  :smokin:
Yes, I got that same impression. Either that or someone has been practicing their trumpsplaining in front of the mirror.