Cyber Liberty...
@jafo2010 we get it. You have made it clear you think Trump is stupid for some time now, and you often never read posts from other posters. This is suboptimal.
Yes, I do think Trump is doing things on the federal workforce that will take him into the weeds.
I do not literally live on this board all day long, and I try to read as much as I can, but I do not read every post. You do not like my posts, fine, but I do have expertise on reducing workforces. Does the federal government need a major haircut? Yes. Absolutely yes. But will it happen? Time will tell.
Fact is I do not want to see Trump fail. This single issue can have serious consequences.
Tonight on Mark Levin's show, he did a great segment on the numbers. I encourage all of you to try and watch the Feb 2nd episode by him.
Surprising to me, he indicated the federal government has 10 million contractors, 7 million if you subtract the military and the postal service. 7 million contractors is a much bigger number than I imagined.This is just a guesstimate, but if there is 7 million contractors, and Trump were to dump them tomorrow, I am guessing that is something north of $500 billion in savings. Again, my estimate could be high or low, but that is huge. I say dump them all. Make the full time employees do the work they are intended to do. I know for fact that contractors do a lot of the work while the FTE stand by and watch. End that nonsense now.
And it does not end there. I say the military could do without some of their contractors too, for I have had friends that were contractors with the military. One worked for the military as a civilian for 45 years, retired, and went back as a contractor making a lot more than he did as an employee.
Trump furloughed DEI federal employees, and I believe he is still paying them salaries. Why? If they have been there less than three years, they are not subject to the civil service protections. His keeping them on the payroll enables some number of them to reach that civil service protection. Why?
Of course, many of them might be union members and have additional protections beyond the civil service protections.
We have 2.4 million federal employees, not counting military and US Postal Service, and yet we have 7 million contractors working for the federal government. They do not have civil service protections. They can get the ax and no one other than the federal folks that have to pick up the burden of work will complain. Well, so will companies like Northrop Grumman who have a large contingent of contractors working for the federal government.
And I also know of the nightmares of dealing with EPA, OSHA, etc for I have dealt with them with clients. These agencies in particular made life very difficult.