Author Topic: Merrick Garland’s DOJ Sets Up ‘Center’ To Help Remove Firearms From Americans Deemed ‘Extremist’  (Read 1389 times)

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Legal Insurrection 3/23/2024

“Red-flag laws allow a judge to take away a firearm from someone based on the suspicion that the owner could use it to harm themselves or others.”

Just when you thought the Biden admin’s corruption and attacks on political opposition couldn’t get any more obvious, corrupt Merrick Garland’s corrupt DOJ has established a “National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center” that will “help” their “partners across the country” grab guns under Red Flag laws from anyone they deem an “extremist.”

U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Department Launches the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center

    The Justice Department launched the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center (the Center) which will provide training and technical assistance to law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health professionals responsible for implementing laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to themselves or others.

    “The launch of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center will provide our partners across the country with valuable resources to keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The establishment of the Center is the latest example of the Justice Department’s work to use every tool provided by the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to protect communities from gun violence.”

The problem, of course, is that we know exactly who the Biden-Garland DOJ–and its enforcement arm, the FBI–think are “extremists.”

Here are just a few of our posts on the shocking abuses of power and disregard for the civil and Constitutional rights of Americans who do not toe the Democrat Party line.

•   AG Merrick Garland Says White Supremacists ‘the Most Dangerous Threat to Our Democracy’

•   Report: FBI Targeting Donald Trump Supporters as Threats to 2024 Election

•   House GOP: FBI ‘Abused Its Counterterrorism Tools to Target Catholic Americans as Potential Domestic Terrorists’

•   House Judiciary Committee: Whistleblowers Say FBI ‘Pressuring Agents’ to Reclassify Cases as Domestic Terrorism

•   AG Garland Weaponizes FBI Against Parents Protesting Critical Race Theory, Mask Mandates

•   Wray: No Evidence for Garland to Target Protesting Parents, But FBI Made Threat Tag to Identify Them

•   Senate GOP Claim FBI Erased Records Connected to Memo Targeting Catholics

That’s not even touching on the unAmerican witchhunt for anyone who was even in DC on J6, the gross abuse of power by the FBI in raiding normal Americans’ homes, crowing over Lego kits as tools of terrorism, and generally acting like crazed banana republic goons on the hunt for any and all political opposition. Add in their own  alleged criminal behavior and the DIE scourge, and the FBI is a complete disgrace.

Find the man, they’ll find the crime. It’s absolutely disgusting, and now, they’re widening the net and scooping up law-abiding Americans’ guns with undoubtedly highly suspect and very questionable “red flag” complaints about “extremists” (i.e. normal Americans who have broken no laws, pose no threat . . . except in the voting booth).

Democrats have hit a wall in their push to ban firearms in America. They can only do so by repealing the Second Amendment, and even they realize that’s not going to happen. Therefore, they will just use taxpayer money to “help” their no doubt anti-American Democrat “partners across the country” to remove firearms via Red Flag laws (in themselves an absolute travesty that need to be repealed immediately). If they can’t grab their political opposition’s guns in one national fell swoop, they will do so one by one.


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Biden’s Federal ‘Red Flag’ Center Defies The Constitution In More Ways Than One
A Democrat-controlled Congress authorized the president to give grants to states that have red flag laws, but never was he authorized to establish a federal red flag center.
By: John R. Lott Jr. and Rep. Thomas Massie
March 27, 2024
On Saturday, Vice President Kamala Harris touted the administration’s new National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center, which will “support the effective implementation of state red flag laws” and “keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to themselves or others.” But there is a problem: Congress never authorized the U.S. Department of Justice to create this resource center. The administration confuses “grants … to implement state … mental health courts, drug courts, veterans’ courts, and extreme risk protection order programs” with creating an entirely new center for one of these areas.

This isn’t the first time the Biden administration has gone beyond what the law allows and done more harm than good.

The Department of Justice press release claims that Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs, also known as red flag laws) will “reduce firearm homicides and suicides.” Surveys show likely voters support laws that “allow guns to be temporarily confiscated by a judge from people considered by a judge to be a danger to themselves or others” by at least 2-1 margins.

But despite what the Biden administration and gun control advocates claim, all 50 states and the federal government have long made it possible to take a dangerous person’s guns away. Civil commitment laws go by various names, such as the Baker Act in Florida or the 5150 code in California. ...

Under red flag laws, a judge acts solely on the basis of a written complaint. He never talks to the person who made the complaint or the person against whom it was made.  ...
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