Author Topic: Lawmakers: Anthony Fauci Admitted Six-Foot Social Distancing Was Based on Nothing  (Read 3428 times)

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Lawmakers: Anthony Fauci Admitted Six-Foot Social Distancing Was Based on Nothing

Hannah Bleau Knudsen 10 Jan 2024

Dr. Anthony Fauci completed the second day of his closed-door grilling with members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, in which he reportedly admitted that the six-foot social distancing rule that emerged at the start of the coronavirus pandemic was actually based on nothing.

The committee, led by chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), provided a brief recap of Tuesday’s session. Monday and Tuesday’s sessions totaled 14 hours, according to lawmakers. In Tuesday’s session, Fauci admitted that the six-foot social distancing recommendation “was likely not based on any data,” according to the committee.

“It just sort of appeared,” it wrote, quoting Fauci.

“Dr. Fauci acknowledged that the lab-leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory,” the committee revealed, providing highlights.

“This comes nearly four years after prompting the publication of the now infamous ‘Proximal Origin’ paper that attempted to vilify and disprove the lab-leak hypothesis,” it continued, noting that Fauci also admitted that vaccine mandates could “increase vaccine hesitancy in the future.”

Despite that, the committee revealed that Fauci “advised American universities to impose vaccine mandates on their students.”

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Same with masks, as it turns out.
Jane Hughes,MD
This highlights the abject failure of public education regarding basic physiologic truths. Masks make respiration more difficult. If you are already having trouble breathing a mask is doubly impactful. Masks do not prevent viral spread. They have side effects which are undesirable.
11:45 PM · Jan 10, 2024

It wasn't failure. In the US, the federal OSHA website **removed** years of research citations, corresponding studies regulations & guidance on the health risks of masks in the workplace. links in to the OSHA sites & occ health journals also were removed.
7:51 AM · Jan 11, 2024

They intentionally hid decades of knowledge. They intentionally told people that lower o2 required hospitalization and then they made people lower their own o2 sat
8:00 AM · Jan 11, 2024
The above were responses to a comment by Naomi Wolf - @naomirwolf - about her experience on a flight where an asthmatic child wearing a mask had considerable difficulty breathing.

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The mere fact that this little Syringe Gnome isn't rotting in a federal prison the rest of his miserable life, is living breathing truth there is no level of structural justice in this nation.

Until we do some vigilante  18th/19th century like feather/rail/tar applications, we are screwed. Mostly, because our judical and DC slugs won't hold anyone accountable.
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It was all lies. Raw power replaced science. And few resisted. Those that did were labeled anti-science kooks.

Offline catfish1957

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It was all lies. Raw power replaced science. And few resisted. Those that did were labeled anti-science kooks.

In the past, matters of public health trumped any partisan or slanted political bounds. Peoples lives were held sacred.    Fauxci is that despicable, and his freedom is a slap in the face of every American and human on the planet for that matter,  who has been adversely impacted by this shit show.
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Funny thing, I had to pick up some meds for my mom at the Kaiser pharmacy and they had busted out some new social distance floor pads all six feet apart and not a single person paid a damn bit of attention to them :shrug:

Offline 240B

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It was all lies. Raw power replaced science. And few resisted. Those that did were labeled anti-science kooks.
Masks, 6 feet distance, all of it was a test of power. They knew and we knew it was all stupid, but they just wanted to see how far they could push ... how much they could 'get away' with.

No politician, or Hollywood type, or billionaire, gave a single shit about the 'mandates'. It was all focused on the common people to 'force them to obey authority'. Even a child could see what they were doing was all about power and had NOTHING to do with actual health concerns.

The more stupid and illogical the mandate, the better it was for the authoritarian's test. Just to see what Police and people in general would do when faced with cartoonish edicts. It was a National game of Simon Says, or Fauci Says, and it was a success beyond anyone's imagination.

When you have citizens attacking other citizens for not making the sign of the cross when purchasing a dozen eggs, then the authoritarians and their citizen supporters can 'mandate' anything.

Everyone, including infants, must get an "X" tattooed on their right hand to stop the pandemic. If you refuse, you are a public menace. YOU ARE KILLING GRANDMA!! And all the wacko Liberals in public will murder anyone who does not obey.

We have seen the future, and this is it.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 05:05:07 am by 240B »
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

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Masks, 6 feet distance, all of it was a test of power. They knew and we knew it was all stupid, but they just wanted to see how far they could push ... how much they could 'get away' with.

No politician, or Hollywood type, or billionaire, gave a single shit about the 'mandates'. It was all focused on the common people to 'force them to obey authority'. Even a child could see what they were doing was all about power and had NOTHING to do with actual health concerns.

The more stupid and illogical the mandate, the better it was for the authoritarian's test. Just to see what Police and people in general would do when faced with cartoonish edicts. It was a National game of Simon Says, or Fauci Says, and it was a success beyond anyone's imagination.

When you have citizens attacking other citizens for not making the sign of the cross when purchasing a dozen eggs, then the authoritarians and their citizen supporters can 'mandate' anything.

Everyone, including infants, must get an "X" tattooed on their right hand to stop the pandemic. If you refuse, you are a public menace. YOU ARE KILLING GRANDMA!! And all the wacko Liberals in public will murder anyone who does not obey.

We have seen the future, and this is it.

And I'll add, anyone actually afraid of someone not wearing a mask would avoid them, not attack them. That says it all right there.

Offline 240B

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And I'll add, anyone actually afraid of someone not wearing a mask would avoid them, not attack them. That says it all right there.

Yea, I thought of that at the time. If you think this person has some 'deadly disease', the last thing you would do is to get in their face and yell at them or grab them. What the hell are you doing? You would simply avoid them. But, Leftists are goose-stepping conformists. When they see someone enjoying freedom, it drives them crazy.

But it wasn't about the disease. It never was. Why wear a mask without covering your eyes? Why wear a mask and not surgical gloves? That debit card reader where you type in your PIN has thousands of fingers on it leaving behind fecal bacterial and who knows what? But "logic" was not the issue. COVID became a kind of religion for some people, including Fauci.

When Fauci said, "I am Science!" "To question me is to question all science everywhere about anything throughout history." This was a big red flag that the guy had gone over the edge into some kind of messianic megalomaniacal sinkhole. The entire basis of 'real science' is to question everything.

This is no different that any cult leader saying, 'I am God!' 'To question me is to question GOD!'

Fauci got caught up in his own self-worship. Fauci did not want to solve the issue, he wanted to perpetuate and to inflate it for as long as possible. Since COVID became Fauci's source of ultimate power, the last thing he wanted was to see it go away.

The distancing, the three or fours masks, the school closures, designating shooting, stabbing, and car crash victims as COVID deaths, all of it was designed to intensify the fear and to build the power of those in charge. They had to keep the 'panic' going because 'panic' gave them leverage to make people do crazy nonsensical things they would never do otherwise. And the people in control became absolutely drunk with power.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline jmyrlefuller

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It was as if public health took any idea they could think of, threw it up against the wall, and hoped it would stick, but then never backed down from those ideas when they didn't stick to the wall. It didn't matter that mask mandates failed to stop any meaningful spikes in spread, they stubbornly insisted "masks work." It didn't matter that there was no evidence vaccine boosters were effective after the mutation, they pushed them anyway.

They didn't want to admit powerlessness, so they took it out on the people.
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It was as if public health took any idea they could think of, threw it up against the wall, and hoped it would stick, but then never backed down from those ideas when they didn't stick to the wall. It didn't matter that mask mandates failed to stop any meaningful spikes in spread, they stubbornly insisted "masks work." It didn't matter that there was no evidence vaccine boosters were effective after the mutation, they pushed them anyway.

They didn't want to admit powerlessness, so they took it out on the people.

It isn't clear that mutation was the cause of its rapidly declining effectiveness and not just an excuse. In fact its effectiveness went negative after about 6 months meaning after 6 months "vaccinated" people were more likely to get COVID compared to those who did nothing. That wasn't a mutation issue. A giant black mark on the official medical community that forced this on people.

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Just found this:
They all knew.

Former NIH Director Francis Collins admits no "science or evidence" ever supported social distancing policies.

Offline libertybele

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Just found this:
They all knew.

Former NIH Director Francis Collins admits no "science or evidence" ever supported social distancing policies.

He should be in prison.
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Offline 240B

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Of course it was 'based on nothing'. We all knew that even at the time.
But militant violent Leftists would go crazy if the saw someone 'disobeying the rules'.
These Karen Leftists appointed themselves to be Fauci's Gestapo enforcers.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline banddag

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I'm not going to fault them over this. Social distancing works for colds why not covid? It was the beginning of covid and no one knew what we were dealing with
Hindsight is always 2020 and easy to go back and criticize.

Offline catfish1957

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I was social distancing way before it was COVID fashionable.

Curmudgeons roll that way.
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I'm not going to fault them over this. Social distancing works for colds why not covid? It was the beginning of covid and no one knew what we were dealing with
Hindsight is always 2020 and easy to go back and criticize.
I bet you thought masking was just bitchin too.

Offline banddag

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I bet you thought masking was just bitchin too.

Well put it this way. If you and I work in the same little cubicle and you have a really bad flu, there is a 90% chance I will get your flu.

If I do not work in your cubicle, never go into your cubicle and we stay apart I will never get your cold

Offline PeteS in CA

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I'm not going to fault them over this. Social distancing works for colds why not covid? It was the beginning of covid and no one knew what we were dealing with
Hindsight is always 2020 and easy to go back and criticize.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that transmission takes place more easily with contact or close proximity, especially in confined spaces. I know two people who got Covid after 20 minutes or so in a car with a person in a non-symptomatic stage of Covid, myself being one. Maybe 5 feet would have been proved adequate if tested, or maybe 6 feet was too close.  Common sense and experience still demonstrate that untested does not prove distance is irrelevant. As gotchas go, this one is gnat-straining.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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I'm not going to fault them over this. Social distancing works for colds why not covid? It was the beginning of covid and no one knew what we were dealing with
Hindsight is always 2020 and easy to go back and criticize.

"Social distancing" isn't defined as 6' in an enclosed building with common air. There are zero studies that support that claim. In fact there are numerous studies that show the air moves rapidly and spreads a virus over a wide area in a short amount of time. There was zero science involved with the 6' rule or the plastic barriers at banks, check out stands, etc.

There were numerous studies of masks in hospitals with respiratory viruses before 2019. They all concluded they made no statistical meaningful difference of the virus spread. Even with N95 masks. The COVID virus is typically about 120 nm in size. A surgical mask cannot filter that out at all. An N95 mask can filter some of it out for a short period of time. It only takes a tiny amount to infect you so that doesn't work. Then there's your eyes, they connect to your sinus cavities and also provide an entry for the virus mask or not mask.

That's called science, not let's just do something while winging it and call it science.

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It doesn't take a genius to understand that transmission takes place more easily with contact or close proximity, especially in confined spaces. I know two people who got Covid after 20 minutes or so in a car with a person in a non-symptomatic stage of Covid, myself being one. Maybe 5 feet would have been proved adequate if tested, or maybe 6 feet was too close.  Common sense and experience still demonstrate that untested does not prove distance is irrelevant. As gotchas go, this one is gnat-straining.

When the government does something under the guise of science it should be science based. Especially when they enforce those rules on you. A lot money and resources were spent following government guidelines that were based on no science whatsoever. That somehow you were safe if you did this and weren't safe if you did that.

Offline catfish1957

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Even as a southerner, I guess I am an outlier in that (outside family) I am not a huggy, affectionate kind of guy.  Curmudgeon, 1st Class.

I saw the COVID distancing scam as a plus.   :cool:
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline catfish1957

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When the government does something under the guise of science it should be science based. Especially when they enforce those rules on you. A lot money and resources were spent following government guidelines that were based on no science whatsoever. That somehow you were safe if you did this and weren't safe if you did that.

Yep, more and more of a percent of our country knows the government can not be trusted, and lies to us almost 100% of the time now.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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what bullshit. There should be trials. High profile trials for every man jack of em. And every one of em that's found guilty should be done sucking air. It was a power play, pure and simple, at the expense of many, many lives and many, many fortunes.

Sonsabiches. *SPIT*

I cannot believe the dissembling nonsense on this thread. A free people wouldn't stand for this shit.

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It doesn't take a genius to understand that transmission takes place more easily with contact or close proximity, especially in confined spaces. I know two people who got Covid after 20 minutes or so in a car with a person in a non-symptomatic stage of Covid, myself being one. Maybe 5 feet would have been proved adequate if tested, or maybe 6 feet was too close.  Common sense and experience still demonstrate that untested does not prove distance is irrelevant. As gotchas go, this one is gnat-straining.

Yes, common sense and experience DOES prove distance irrelevant. Total bullshit. Any time there is air handling in enclosed places, distance apart means nothing.